
论文价格:150元/篇 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis 编辑:硕博论文网 点击次数:
论文字数:53666 论文编号:sb2024051009353952373 日期:2024-05-24 来源:硕博论文网

Chapter OneIntroduction
1.1 Research background
As a particular discourse,buzzwords could reflect certain social phenomena or problemsof a given period.In actual use,buzzwords may entail individual or collective emotionalattitudes.In China Internet got its genesis in 1994 and enjoyed a rapid boom in the first tenyears of the 20th century.According to the 49th Statistical Reports on Internet Developmentin China released by the China Internet Network Information Center(2022),the population ofChina's netizens has reached 1.032 billion by the end of December 2021,seeing a 42.96million increase(2.6%)as the year before and remarking a 73.0%internet popularizing rate.In today's online media and mobile devices,cyber buzzwords follow the discoursecharacteristics of being short and easy to understand.As people in online media collectivelyuse high-frequency words,they soon cast influence over all aspects of social reality fromcyberspace.
Similarly,frequently-used words can reflect the contemporary features of popular culture.In addition,since the explosion of internet data in the last decade,the social buzzwordsspoken by the general public are essentially a record of the texts used in internet buzzwords.As a flat mirror of today’s social and cultural life,prevailing online buzzwords remain highlymediated and driven by online media and reflect the social work,life,and psychologicalactivities of contemporaries.
With sociological value and linguistic value as the main criteria,the editorial board ofYAOWEN-JIAOZI magazine has released the top 10 Chinese buzzwords of 2020,andneijuan①(内卷involution)appeared to be prevailing.
1.2 Research significance
Previous studies made qualitative analysis of neijuan mainly from small and fragmentarytext,which is insufficient to provide complete patterns and meanings in use,with thedependency on qualitative analysis.Therefore,this research draws on Wolfgang Teubert’stheory on discourse object,paraphrases and explicit paraphrases,with the Extended Unit ofMeaning analysis to explore the patterns and meanings around neijuan in a corpus-basedmethod.The research is evidence-based and the results and findings are more convincing.
From people’s authentic use,the research can provide meanings around the discourseobject neijuan to give a generalization on this social phenomenon.Furthermore,through theanalysis of sentiments and attitudes on neijuan,the research can help to reveal masspsychology that this social phenomenon brings to the public and to relieve people’s stress andanxiety.
Besides,the study also hopes to provide values and references for meaning analysis onChinese buzzwords.
Chapter TwoLiterature Review
2.1 Overview of studies on cyber buzzwords
As a descriptive unit,Internet language is much older than cyber buzzwords and a muchlarger body of literature and studies exist.In the early years around 2000,some scholars didnot actively distinguish between internet language and buzzwords,while others focused onthe famous characteristics of online buzzwords.In order to discount ambiguities andunnecessary misunderstandings in the descriptive units,it is necessary to investigate andexplain the two terms briefly.
A total of 12,424 articles are found in China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)using“网络语言”or“Internet language”(same below)as the search term and the subject ortitle as the search item.Research on online language in China first appeared in 1985 andpeaked in 2016(997 articles).(See figure 2.1)
Keying“网络流行语”(Cyber buzzword)(Same below)as the search term and thesubject or title as the search item,a total of 3,713 pieces of literature emerged to date.Thefirst literature on cyber buzzwords in China appeared in 1999 and peaked near 2016(372articles)(See figure 2.2).The central theme and keyword of this study is“Cyber buzzword.”
However,the number of studies using the corpus-based approach to analyze Internetbuzzwords in China is relatively small.Most of the studies are short in length,with textsources limited to one or two media newspapers and needing more statistical analysis tools ina complete sense.Additionally,a few corpus-based studies are based on personal search andcollection of texts rather than on a corpus in the strict sense.“A corpus in the true sense of theword is a collection of electronic texts that represent a language or a variant or category of alanguage,collected according to certain sampling criteria.”(Liang et al.,2010:3)


2.2 Overview of studies on neijuan
Imputing“内卷”as the search term and the subject or title as the search item in CNKI,there are a total of 3,332 works of literature.After deriving a visual analysis chart of thesearch results,we found that:domestic research on neijuan first appeared in 1977,emergedaround 2001,and peaked in 2021(927 articles),with a predicted publication volume of 837articles in 2022.(See figure 2.3)In addition,the distribution of significant themes shows thatneijuan/Involution is the dominant research theme,followed by themes covering variousareas such as grassroots governance,social organization,rural revitalization,and education.Therefore,few studies were engaged on neijuan as a cyber buzzword.
The term neijuan has been given increasingly rich meanings by the public and usedextensively.Consequently,it has become a popular cyber buzzword and has begun to receiveattention from some linguists.The Chinese word neijuan is derived from the English term“Involution”(from a Latin“Involutum”).However,in COCA and BNC,the word“Involution”occurs most frequently in the medical field as a sort of“degeneration”,denoting a type ofdegeneration of human tissue to be the most co-occurrence:Thymus Involution.As denotation “rolling,winding”,it is often referred to as“bending-inward”,a physical motion.The restbelongs to theoretical abstraction describing the stagnation of degeneration in the field of“human(society)evolution”in agriculture,economy and other fields.According to Ji Yaping(2010:48),neijuan is“a concept in the field of Chinese sociological research in recent yearsthat is considered to be‘closely related to certain characteristics of Chinese society and isused more frequently with a wider impact’.By analyzing the theory,there exists a specialsignificance in providing theoretical tools for explaining and reflecting on many Chinesesocial phenomena.”
Chapter Three Research Methodology ................................ 18
3.1 Data collecting and processing ....................... 18
3.1.1 Data collecting ....................................... 18
3.1.2 Data cleaning and word segmentation ............................. 19
Chapter Four Results and Discussions ............................. 27
4.1 A description of collocational patterns around neijuan ................... 27
4.1.1 Kaishi + Neijuan ....................... 29
4.1.2 Neijuan + Kaishi ............................... 33
Chapter Five Conclusion ........................... 91
5.1 Major findings ..................................... 91
5.2 Limitations and suggestions ................................ 92
Chapter FourResults and Discussions
4.1 A description of collocational patterns around neijuan
A number of pilot studies of neijuan have been conducted to provide experience to thisstudy.To show the descriptive ways more clearly,the following texts introduce values andprinciples of the path.
(1)Descriptions of patterns are based on the top 20 collocates at each location.Besides,the following collocates will be discounted:collocates of negative Z-Scores,nominal wordslike screen names,concordance lines with non-textual margins(the inverse side of thesequence numbers and full stops).The value Range will be considered especially for thecritically-low ones;
(2)Definite locations at each side of single collocates centered on nodes are expressed as“N±n”while multi-word sequence or collocation,the relative locations,are presented moreclearly with“Ln”or“Rn”;
(3)According to the collocational features of the corpus,quite a few function words or,inEnglish grammatical words share a much stronger lexical selection to be idiom forms.Therefore,a large majority of the descriptions in this study mainly cope with lexical patternsto show their lexical-end co-occurrence and co-selection;
(4)Among patterns in section 4.1,“[A]”is used to express an optional word,whichmeans the presence or absence of A;“{Sempref:A}”shows a group of semantic preference(Sempref is the short form of Semantic Preference that precedes the capital word and theafterword group,similarly after this.);{A|B}shows an absolute existence of word group to mean the presence of either A or B;[{A|B}]refers to the combination of the above twosymbols to refer to an optional word group.


Chapter FiveConclusion
5.1 Major findings
In this study,we have found a large number of patterns of neijuan.Some of them holdexplicit paraphrases that can be clearly understood,while others hold implicit paraphrases orparaphrastic content in Teubert’s theory,which are analyzed from the attitudinal aspect.Afterthe analysis of the above aspects,major findings are summarized as follows.
Firstly,from the Extended Unit of Meaning analysis we have found a large number ofpatterns and the dominant patterns will be listed with their frequent forms.
(1)连NP/VP都要开始内卷了吗?Has NP/VP even started neijuan?(2)什么是内卷?(What is neijuan?)(3)NP/VP也内卷起来了。(NP/VP also neijuan(s).)(4)NP/VP内卷也太严重了。(NP/VP neijuan(s)so seriously.)(5)内卷起来吧!(Go and neijuan,please!)(6)拒绝内卷,从XX(某人)做起!(Refusing neijuan starts from XX(someone)!)(7)在这个内卷时代。(In this neijuan era.)(8)踏上内卷之路;内卷之城(Set foot on the road of neijuan;The city of neijuan.)
Secondly,by analyzing the explicit paraphrases of neijuan,six paraphrastic contentsare summarized:Neijuan can be described as passive,forced,non-voluntary and cutthroatcompetitions,some of which are subject to the limited social resources like enrollment(education)and post(employment);it can be regarded as an unavailing effort that isundervalued or depreciated and thus some people regard the result of effort as important;avicious pyramiding behavior that makes things worse;an inescapable social situation sincepeople generally believe that they cannot change the sorrow situation but to be forced to move;a pursuit of craftsmanship that makes people constantly improve their skills.

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