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论文字数:32522 论文编号:sb2024040715522352172 日期:2024-05-02 来源:硕博论文网

Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
Due to the development of the Internet and technology,video games have become animportant topic in the world.On the one hand,video games have gradually changed into“legitimate”activities.In 2003,the General Administration of Sport of China declared E-sports as China’s 99th official sports competition.According to Li Zonghao,etc.(2004:2),E-sports are sports activities which create a virtual platform through computers(includingsoftware and hardware devices),and carry out the competition according to unified rules.Now we even have a job position for video games because of the appearance of LOL ProLeague on 16th March,2013.Since 2016,some universities have established video gamesmajor so as to cultivate professional talents.Since 2018,video games have been morepopular because IG achieved the championship in the Grand Finals.So far,video gameshave been defined as an official competition and major in China.However,on the otherhand,video games also received some negative comments in China.Because E-sports haveto develop based on video games(He Wei,2004:11),some parents and teachers areopposed to them.In their opinions,most video games take up children’s time and do harmto children’s eyes.
News reports reflect a relation with other social elements within the process of policyimplementation change.After the introduction of video games,news reports usuallydescribed video games as“electronic heroin”and“fierce floods and savage beasts”,reminding people to stay away from video games.However,on the other hand,videogames can contribute a lot to some fields,such as the economy.The opinions in People’sDaily are consistent with that of government.Reports in People’s Daily are an importantway for cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.


1.2 Research Significance
In light of Discourse-Historical Approach to critical discourse analysis,the presentstudy aims at figuring out how the media images of video games are constructed through avariety of discursive strategies in People’s Daily.It also aims to interpret and explain theimage construction in a much broader social and historical context.Thus,the underlyingreasons and motivations behind the image construction can also be unveiled.
The significance of the present study is two-fold.From a theoretical perspective,thecurrent study is meant to enrich the research on social reality image construction inPeople’s Daily in the field of linguistics.Research on image construction of video games isaddressed by scholars from different disciplines.However,little attention is given to imageconstruction of video games from a linguistic perspective.And many studies are confinedto lexical analysis at the descriptive level.This study is a critical discourse analysis ofimage construction of video games at both descriptive and explanatory levels,whichextends the present lexis-oriented focus to a discourse-oriented one.
From a practical perspective,the Discourse-Historical Approach to the imageconstruction of video games in People’s Daily may help readers better comprehend thecontext-dependent semiotic practices of the image construction of video games,which contributes to shaping public attitudes and views.Therefore,readers are capable ofenhancing their efficiency in interpreting the news coverage of video games in People’sDaily.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Previous Studies on Video Games
Video games have been analyzed by different Chinese scholars from differentperspectives.On the one hand,some scholars study electronic sports as an emergingactivity.They mainly study the functions,advantages and disadvantages of electronic sports.For example,interaction between video games and teenagers is discussed by some scholars:Tong Long(2020)studied that E-sports influences teenagers’opinions about jobs;Li Yue(2018)studied the role positioning of game hosts.On the other hand,a few Chinesescholars studied the developmental problems and ways of video games(Yu Wenqian&TanLi,2020),supervision of players from the perspective of age(Yuan Yuan,2020)and so on.Besides,there are still a few papers focusing on E-sports’image:Tan Qingshan and ChenWang(2018)studied that the image plays an important role in the process of spreading E-sports.Based on these researches about E-sports,it is not difficult to find that scholars paymore attention to either developmental problems of video games or potential chances thatvideo games bring into the fields of economy,education and so on.And there are fewpapers about media images of video games.Moreover,these papers mainly analyze videogames from different disciplines except language.Thus,it is necessary to study mediaimages about video games from the perspective of language.
2.2 Previous Studies on Media Image
Media image,as one of main themes in CDA,is studied more or less:for example,GuChonglong(2019)employed CDA to analyze the discursive(re)construction of Chinesegovernment’s image from the perspective of press conference interpreters.Rahimi andSamithe(2012)studied images of Iranians in western movies.Based on the discourses about stopping mass immigration in Swiss media,Dolea,Ingenhoff and Beju(2020)studied the national images and identities in times of populism.It is obvious that mediaimages analyzed by CDA practitioners in western countries are about countries orinstitutions.The same exists in China.There is an explicit ideology in media which eitherbelongs to in-group or out-group,and this ideology will be demystified by analyzingdiscourses through CDA.For example,Chen Lijiang(2017)studied the construction of theChinese national image of BBC in the 21st century.Fu Haiyan(2016)studied the discourseconstruction of the institutional identity of Chinese and American museums.Pan Yanyanand Dong Dian(2017)studied the discourse strategies of American mainstream news mediain constructing China's image and relations between major powers.Cao Wei and ZhaoYuanyuan(2019)studied the image of China in the Argentine mainstream medium based oncritical discourse analysis of reports of the 19th CPC national congress.Fu Xiaoli(2022)investigated the construction of the current central government's image in Report on theWork of the Government(2014-2018)and analyzed its underlying causes by corpus anddiscursive strategies.
Apart from researches introduced above,there are a series of studies concentrating onthe image construction of groups because CDA mainly studies the ideology,power andinequality.It inevitably puts the focus on these groups who are in a low position or haveless power than other groups,such as laid-off female workers(Xiang Yunhua&ZhangMaizeng,2005),women(Li Na,2019),traditional mother images(Zhao Peng&HuangDan,2021).CDA intends to construct media images of special groups in order to argue forthem.For example,Zhu Guisheng and Huang Jianbin(2017)studied the image of Chineseyouth in western mainstream media.Wang Lijun(2019)studied the construction of femaleimage in the news about rights protection.
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework and Research Design........................9
3.1 Discourse-Historical Approach.............................9
3.2 Research Procedures and Research Tools................................11
Chapter Four Data Analysis..............................16
4.1 Identification of the Theme..................................16
4.2 Analysis of Discursive Strategies.........................19
Chapter Five Contextual Analysis.............................41
5.1 Leisure Products Embodying Science and Technology......................41
5.2 Electronic Heroin Threatening Teenagers.........................42
5.3 Emerging Industry Driving the National Economy..........................43
Chapter Five Contextual Analysis
5.1 Leisure Products Embodying Science and Technology
Video games were first introduced to China as electronic toys.Since the reform andopening up in 1978,various undertakings of the country have begun to step on the righttrack,and the education has returned to normal.The majority of young people take learningscientific and cultural knowledge as their primary task again.
In order to enrich teenagers'amateur cultural life,the state has built many youthpalaces and children's parks for teenagers'game activities,prepared a large number of filmand television works to educate and entertain teenagers,and published a large number ofnewspapers and books for teenagers,bringing them rich spiritual products.However,at thattime,the capacity of youth activity venues across the country was generally limited,theeducation of the young pioneers was enough but the entertainment was insufficient.Organized collective cultural activities could not be popularized to every youth.
In this context,Mr.Deng Xiaoping proposed at the Third Plenary Session of theEleventh Central Committee:now we have achieved stability and unity,restored andadhered to various economic policies that have been effective for a long time...On the basisof self-reliance,equality and mutual benefit,we should actively develop economiccooperation with all countries in the world,strive to adopt the world's advanced technologyand equipment,and vigorously strengthen the scientific and educational cooperationnecessary for modernization.It can be seen that in the early stage of reform and opening up,China advocated the introduction of western science and technology,and the positioning ofelectronic games was scientific entertainment products.Therefore,China introduced videogames,which greatly enriched the entertainment life of teenagers and even adults.AsChina's mainstream media,People's Daily's coverage of video games fully shows thecountry's welcome for scientific and technological products.From 1985 to 1988,the reportsin the People's Daily were all positive,and through classification,electronic games wereconstructed as Chinese entertainment activities,such as“entertainment”,“get-togetheractivities”and“entertainment projects”.


Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Main Findings
In order to figure out how the media images of video games are discursivelyconstructed in Chinese mainstream media,the current study is a case study of video games’image construction in People’s Daily during the period from 1978 to 2020.The analysis iscarried out in conformity with Reisigl and Wodak’s(2009)Discourse-Historical Approachwhich functions as the main theoretical framework and also offers some specific analyticalstrategies for the current study.By quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis,the currentstudy investigates the prominent topics and reporting preferences,as well as linguisticstrategies and their linguistic realizations with the assistance of corpus tools.What’s more,the social and historical context is employed to explore and explain the underlying reasonsfor video games’image construction.And the major findings of the three research questionsmentioned before are presented in the following.
Firstly,an overview of the news reports is presented to figure out these main themes inthree stages.By investigating the top 20 content words in each stage,it can be found thatthe media images of video games in the first and second stage focus on the relation betweenvideo games and specific social actors like students,teenagers at a micro level;while in thethird stage,media image of video games pay attention to the relation between video gamesand nations like America,China and Japan at a macro level.
Secondly,some specific strategies are applied to answer the second research question.By using corpus analytical tools,three discursive strategies,including referential strategy,perspectivization strategy and argumentation strategy,reveal that the media images of videogames are constructed as the leisure products embodying science and technology,electronicheroin threatening teenagers and emerging industry driving the national economy.

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