
论文价格:300元/篇 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis 编辑:硕博论文网 点击次数:
论文字数:23566 论文编号:sb2022050515093946881 日期:2022-05-27 来源:硕博论文网


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
Nowadays,  with  the  development  of  science  and  economy,  international  contacts  are more  frequent  and  competition  between  countries  is  fiercer.  English  as  the  most  widely spoken language in the world has played an important part in countries’ diplomatic, scientific and  cultural  exchange. In  the  compulsory  education  stage,  opening  English  learning  courses can  improve  the  quality  of  the  people  and  cultivate  talents  with  innovative  and  cultural communication  skills.  Junior  high  school  is  the  basic  stage  of  English  learning,  which includes not only the learning of language knowledge but also the language skills. Language knowledge includes topics, functions, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, among which grammar is an important part that cannot be ignored and must be well-mastered. Grammar is the  main  line  running  through  the  language.  Without  a  good  basis  of  grammar,  listening, speaking,  reading  and  writing  abilities  can  be  hard  to  improve.  The  teaching  of  English grammar in junior high school pays attention to the basic knowledge of grammar. As verbs are the core of the grammar, tense teaching is at the top priority. In the teaching arrangement of tenses, the outline requires junior high school students to master eight tenses, that is, simple present, simple past, simple future, present progressive, present perfect, past continuous, past perfect and past future. As there is no concept of tense in Chinese, students have difficulties in tense learning. While tense teaching in many middle schools still remains the traditional ways that stresses much on language forms  and  accuracy but overlooks language meaning and its actual context.
The New Standard English Curriculum of Compulsory Education (2011) by the Ministry of  Education  has  clearly  stipulated:  “Language learning requires a lot of input, and a wide variety of curriculum resources are especially important for English learning. English courses should be based on the needs of teaching and learning, to provide English learning resources that  close  to  students,  close  to  life  and  close  to  the  times.”  The  New  Standard  English Curriculum  requires  junior  high  school  students  to  understand  the  meaning  and  usage  of grammar project in the specific context, and experience the grammatical function of grammar project in practical application. 
1.2 Purpose of the Research
This  research  is  based  on  Papert’s  constructionism  theory,  and  tries  to  apply  the Situational  Teaching  in  tense  teaching  in  junior  middle  school.  The  purpose  is  to  find  the impact of Situational Teaching on tense, and whether or not it can increase students’ interest in tense learning. At the same time, what effect can Situational Teaching bring to the students’ learning strategies is another question to be discussed. The third question is what the impact of  this  method  on  the  accuracy  of  the  tense  is.  This  also  gives  some  enlightenment  to  the research  of  tense  teaching  and  provides  some  reference  to  the  Situational  Teaching  in  the future. 
Despite many different opinions on the role of grammar in language teaching, we cannot deny that grammar is very important for English learning. A good knowledge of grammar can help  us  have  a  better  performance  in  listening,  speaking,  reading  and  writing.  In  many grammar  projects,  tense  is  frequently  examined  and  hard  to  be  mastered.  When  it  comes  to tenses, students are afraid of making mistakes. Students’ interest in learning tense is not that high. What method is appropriate for tense teaching is still under discussion.
There  are  some  researches  on  the  application  of  Situational  Teaching  in  grammar  in China,  most  of  the  research  were  in  colleges  and  primary  schools,  but  little  research  was carried  out  in  junior  high  school,  let  alone  the  junior  high  school  in  town.  Therefore,  it  is  a case about Situational Teaching applied in English tense teaching in junior high school to find whether or not it can affect students’ learning interest, learning strategies and the accuracy of tenses. 
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Situational Teaching
In the 1920s, Situational Teaching began to develop, represented by the British scholars Palmer  and  Hornby,  who  put  forward  a  set  of  Situational  Teaching  methods  based  on  the study  of  their  former  researchers.  In  terms  of  the  definition  of  it,  different  scholars  have different opinions, here are some representative definitions.
Mohan  (1977)  held  the  view  that  ‘Situational’ can be understood to include: a goal of language  teaching  viz.  the  students'  ability  to  apply  their  knowledge  of  L2  to  real  speech situations  (communicative  competence);  certain  classroom  learning  activities,  e.g. role-playing; a way of presenting teaching points (situational presentation): a way of selecting and organizing content in a curriculum.
Hornby  (1981)  put  forward  that  Situational  Teaching  Method  refers  to  that  teachers purposefully  create  some  concrete  and  vivid  scenes  to  help  students  gain  knowledge  and develop skills in teaching.
Krahnke  (1987)  thought  that  the  situation  provides  the  context  in  the  discourse,  which makes  the  language  form  and  meaning  more  consistent.  And  Situations  can  break  down barriers  between  sentences  and  show  second-language  learners  how  language  is  used  in discourse. 
Rodgers (2001) believed that the role of teachers in situational teaching is context creator, error corrector, and the learner role is imitator, memorizer.
Li (2003) thinks that situational teaching is a kind of teaching mode that makes full use of  image,  creates  typical  scene,  arouses  students'  learning  emotion  and  combines  cognitive and emotional activities. 
2.2 Related Research at Home and Abroad
2.2.1 Research on English tense teaching abroad
According  to  Diogenes  Laertius,  the  specific  grammatical  tense  was  analyzed  by Protagoras, a philosopher in the 5th century. (He, 2006)
In  the  16th  century,  The  English  grammarian  Lily  followed  the  example  of  the  Latin grammarians  Donatus  and  Priscian,  who  established  the  descriptive  English  tense  pattern, arguing that there were five tenses in English:  the past perfect, the present perfect, the past, the present and the future. (Matthewssen, 1996: 433 & He, 2006) 
The  tense  teaching  developed  from  the  traditional  form-focused  way  to  the  cognitive grammar, from the cognitive grammar to a more constructive way. Bielak  (2011)  carries  out  research  among  50  participants  who  are  divided  into  three groups,  one  is  the  control  group,  the  other  two  are  experimental  groups.  In  experimental groups,  one  of  them  uses  cognitive  grammar  instruction,  and  the  other  uses  traditional accounts.  The  results  show  that  cognitive  grammar-based  instruction  is  more  effective  in explicit grammatical knowledge than that of teaching based on traditional descriptions.
Fazilatfar (2017) does empirical research among third grade middle school students, one group  receives  concept-based  instruction  that  based  on  cognitive  grammar,  and  the  other group receives traditional instruction. The study lasts eight weeks, and the results show that students  who  received  concept-based  instruction  can  perform  better  than  those  in  the traditional group.
Khatib (2012) makes an investigation among sixty female school-age EFL learners. They are  divided  into  three  groups,  one  receives  picture-cued  writing  tasks,  one  is  given reconstruction tasks, and the third group receives comprehension check-up tasks. The results find out that only reconstruction tasks can improve students’ noticing of the past tense. 



Chapter 3 Research Methodology ............................. 11
3.1 Research Questions ........................................ 11
3.2 Research Subjects ....................................... 11
3.3 Research Instruments ............................. 13
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions ............................ 22
4.1 Results and Discussions of Questionnaires ........................... 22
4.2 Results and Discussions of Tests .................................. 25
4.3 Results and Discussions of Interview .................................. 27
Chapter 5 Conclusion.............................. 29
5.1 Major Findings ................................. 29
5.2 Pedagogical Implications ................................... 30
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study ...................... 31
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions

4.1 Results and Discussions of Questionnaires
Through SPSS data analysis software, the results of the questionnaire in the experiment class (7.1) before using situational English tense teaching are as follows: (see Table 4-1)


It can be seen in Table 4-1 that only 10% of students like English tense very much, and 38﹪  of students like English tense. Over a half of students in the experiment class don’t like English  tense  at  all.  Among  them,  34%  of  students  think  that  tenses  are  easy  to  confuse, another  34%  of  them  think  that  they  cannot  remember  the  verb  changes  in  tense,  7%  of students  are  not  interested  in  English  tense,  and  there  are  a  few  students  who  has  the  other difficulties in learning tenses. 
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
Situational  Teaching  is  an  effective  method  in  tense  teaching.  Compared  with  the Traditional  Teaching  that  focus  on  grammar  rules  and  drills  of  grammar  rules,  Situational Teaching  is  based  on  constructionism,  which  means  that  it  can  help  students  construct  the usage  of  tense  in  scenes.  To  make  it  more  clearly,  Situational  Teaching  relies  on  logical thinking  rather  than  rote  learning,  which  greatly  reduces  students’  memory  pressure  and increases  their  learning  interest.  Through  a  semester  of  experiment,  we  can  see  that  it  is feasible  to  teach  English  tense  with  Situational  Teaching.  The  research  results  prove  that Situational  Teaching  can  stimulate  students’  interest  and  improve  students’  ability  to  study tenses, the results are as follows:
1. From the results of the questionnaire, it can be seen that English  tense teaching with Situational  Teaching  can  affect  students’  interest.  Through  a  semester  of  experiment,  it’s obvious that the number of students who like English tense has increased a lot, from 38% to 52%,  which  shows  that  students  are  more  and  more  interested  in  English  and  English  tense with Situational Teaching.
2. From the results of tests, it can be seen that the test scores of the experiment class are significantly  higher  than  before.  It  shows  that  English  tense  teaching  with  Situational Teaching  can  affect  students’  ability  to  study  tenses.  Through  a  semester  of  experiment,  the average  scores  of  control  class  increased  by  0.46,  while  the  average  scores  of  experiment class increased by 1.26. It can be concluded that students’ ability to study tenses has improved through the Situational Teaching.
3. From the results of interviews, it can be found that students’ attitude towards English tense with Situational  Teaching  have changed a lot,  many students think that it is  helpful to learn tense. What is more, their learning strategies have changed accordingly, so English tense teaching with Situational Teaching can influence students’ learning interest and strategies.

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