委内瑞拉电子报El Nuevo Pais西班牙版商业计划之MBA分析

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论文字数:50245 论文编号:sb2019112013521228602 日期:2019-12-14 来源:硕博论文网

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background
The  digital  marketing  disruption  has  created  important  changes  in  the  media, especially  in  newspapers  and  magazines.  Nowadays,  the  boom  of  smartphones,  is increasing  the  immediacy  of  obtaining  the  news  and  it  is  firmly  changing  the  markets perspective.
According to a research  by Knight  Foundation, 89% of the users read news through their smartphones. Although the TV is still the number one media, the social networks are increasing day by day. Twitter, Web Pages, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, among others, are  in  the  second  place  with  the  inevitable  expectation  of  becoming  number  one  in  the future.
On this way, it has surged many medias considered digital native that have understood the  fundamental  principle  of  this  new  market,  the  continuous  change.  These  new  medias are already becoming rentable and valuable. One example is the Huffington Post, founded as a blog in 2005 and in 2011 was sold for 315 million dollars. One of its founders, also founded  a  similar portal,  but  directed  to  younger  people.  The  portal  is  named  Buzz  Feed and today its value is 1 billion dollars. There are other successful examples and cases like Masgable, The Daily Beast, Topix, among others. In Spain, there are also similar sites like El  Espa?ol,  Libertad  Digital  or  20  Minutos.  In  Venezuela,  La  Patilla,  Noticias  24, Run-runes, Caraota Digital o El Estímulo.
Along with new digital tools and ways of accessing news, a new concept was created in the United States, “news aggregators”, which are web sites that reproduce what others digital  media  reports,  giving  the  respective  credit.  This  is  what  The  Huffington  Post  do, and others are also starting to operate with this business model such as BuzzFeed (US), La Patilla  (Venezuela)  or  Noticias  24  (Venezuela).  They  collocate  the  most  relevant information and redirect it to the principal source. Despite the un-doubtful success of The Huffington  Post,  it  does  not  offer  an  exhaustive  news  portfolio  of  desired  countries  (e.g. Spain) but rather a broad view on global highlights.

1.2 Current Status
During  the  last  years,  the  industry  of  Media  and  Communication  has  evolved  to new  and  different  practices.  The  globalization  has  created  that  the  change  is  a  constant variable  in  this  new  era,  digital  era.  Everything  is  changing  in  business  of  Media  and Communication. 20 years ago, people had to buy newspapers or magazines in a shop with the main purpose of consuming news or opinions. The fastest way to consume was the TV, however  the  consumer  must  be  slope  of  the  specific  TV  news  schedule.  Nowadays, through smartphones and tablets the consumer can reach to news and any time and place.
1.2.1 Worldwide Digital News
Due to all the content that people can receive through World Wide Web and new forms  of  distribution,  many  different  fake  news  about  some  successes  like  US  president election, Catalunya Process, Venezuela’s 2017 strikes, among others, have reached out to the  population.  This  has  promoted  a  crisis  of  confidence  in  journalism  where  it  is  very difficult to differentiate verified facts from untruths.
According to Reuters Institute:
24% of respondents believes that social media is doing a good effort with the main purpose of showing a difference between the fact and fiction. The people in the world is feeling that is very  difficult to trust in news  and this is a big problem because nowadays everything can become viral very fast.
Trust is perceived globally different depending on the country. For example, in Finland, trust in media is perceived by 62% of people, but in south Korea and Greece just 23%.
In countries with a lot of political polarization like USA, Italy and Hungary, the distrust in media is more related to the political bias.
29% of respondents sometimes avoid news. One reason is because it can have a negative  impact  on  their  mood.  The  second  reason  is  because  they  consider  difficult  to trust in the source.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Literature Review (Media and Communication)
The  following  chapter  will  show  the  description  and  analysis  of  previews  research related  to  news-aggregators  in  Spain’s,  Digital  News  Consumption,  market  behavior among  others.  We  will  also  go  beyond  of  the  previews  research  by  discussing  and analyzing  the  body  of  knowledge.  It  is  indispensable  to  determine  what  is  known  and unknown  related  to  digital  news  consumption  and  news-aggregators  in  Spain.  It  could happen that previews research will be replicated and this should be avoided.
2.1.1 Media and Communication Definitions
The industry of media and communication has many different definitions. The experts of this area could consider some concepts very easy to understand and typical. However, it is important to define and make clear some concepts related to media and communication specially in the digital area, where the business plan will be the main focus. It is relevant because of the continues change in this context. Base in mind that just few years ago, the following concepts did not exist: digital news, news-aggregators, web pages visits, views, search  engines,  trends,  digital  marketing,  digital  marketing  operations,  digital  news consumer,  digital  natives,  omnichannel  among  others.  Beside  this,  we  will  offer  the definition larger and traditional definitions for journalism, journalist and impress media.

2.2 Models/ Concepts/ Frameworks and Their Applications
In the business opportunities chapter will be applied all the concepts and models with the main purpose of defining each regarding the business plan:
PESTEL analysis will be applied with the main purpose of considering all the external variables that are relevant to the business plan. The environment selected is Spain, and so all information will be oriented to understand this environment.
Porter’s  Five  Forces  will  be  applied  with  the  main  purpose  of  understanding  the industry  behavior  in  which  the  business  will  develop  its  activities.  In  this  case  will  be Media and communication, specified to health and safety.
SWOT  Analysis  will  be  applied  with  the  main  purpose  of  understanding  even  more the  external  factors  a  how  should  be  develop  the  strategy  of  the  company  regarding strengths, threats, weakness and opportunities. For example, what strengths has El Nuevo País to approach the opportunities and to face the threats.
Canvas  Business  Model  will  be  applied  to  understand  the  customer segment,  in  this case will be the online news consumers and the advertisers. It is important to approach all the 9 blocks with the main purpose of identifying the value proposal and how the company creates values.
The  expansion  model  (LLL)  will  be  applied  to  understand  which  will  be  the  value creation source, how the news reproduction business model will be successful and how it will compete in the host market, Spain.
Chapter Three The Opportunity ................................. 28
3.1 Business Opportunities ...................................... 28
3.1.1 Market Research ........................................ 29
3.1.2 The Market Gap ......................................... 32
Chapter Four The Company and Team ........................ 44
4.1 Legal Structure and Ownership ............................ 44
4.2 The Management Team .............................. 46
Chapter Five Marketing Plan ......................................... 52
5.1 Identification of Potential Consumers ............................ 52
5.2 Projection of Potential Sales Revenues................................ 55

Chapter Six Operating and Financial Plans

6.1 Conversion of Inputs into Outputs
Regarding  the  news  consumers,  the  key  operating  process  of  the  company  that will convert the inputs into outputs are the following: 
Visits  Process:  For our  news  consumers  will  be  three  main  channels  to  visit  our platform and read news: direct (the Web page and The App), Socials Networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and Instant messaging apps (Wechat, WhatsApp, Facebook messenger among others)

After  the  user  or  consumer  get  in  the  platform  to  read  the  news,  the  visit  will  be registered automatically in our web management software and or online visits counter.

Chapter Seven Conclusion
After  the  research  and  analysis  on  the  business  plan  “El  NuevoPais.es”  it  is indispensable to summarize the key points with the main purpose of deciding the viability of the project.
It is known that Spain is facing a political situation due to the Rajoy impeachment and Pedro Sanchez arrival to the presidency. However, Spain is considered a safe country for investment,  with  a  GDP  of  3%  annually.  International  and  local  StartUps  have  been successful  in  this  territory.  One  proven  successful  case  is  El  Confidential,  a  digital newspaper, which is consider a reference in the online news sector, due to its digital native origin.  Additionally,  Spanish  population  have  shown  a  strong  interest  for  this  type  of platform and they have a strong socio-cultural background of reading online news. On top of  that,  the  market  growth  of  online  advertisement  has  been  14%  up  to  2018,  and  it  is expected to continue growing in the next 10 years.
We have identified an existing market need and  niche in which news consumers are still reluctant to trustful digital news. However, there are few existing credible and reliable online  news  sources  (e.g.  El  Confidencial,  Antena  3,  El  Periodico,  GrupoZ,  etc.).  This project intends to use these existing stablished tools to offer an innovative service such as the “News-aggregator” and start filling in the market niche. The objective is to retrieve the news out of these sources by professionals in the field, filter them according to credibility and relevancy criteria to finally reproduce them in our platform. This will guaranty a low operational cost because the news will not be produced from scratch. Despite the possible adaptation of the news from our team of professionals, the articles will remain loyal to the original content and source, which will always be cited, mentioned and recognized.

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