
论文价格:300元/篇 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis 编辑:硕博论文网 点击次数:
论文字数:33566 论文编号:sb2022062422295948790 日期:2022-07-14 来源:硕博论文网

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
Peter  Pan,  wrote  by  Sir  James  Barrie,  is  a  classical  children’s literature  in  the world, popular among readers for a century around the world at large. It tells a story with wonderful imagination about friendship, love and affection, and about constant adventures.  As  a  children’s  literature,  Peter  Pan  is  also  loved  by  adults,  because  it touches them by the theme of never growing up. The first Chinese translation started the adventure on the Neverland for Chinese readers in 1929 and various  translators have offered their versions in different years after that, each with its distinct features.
Peter Pan has many dialogues, complicated words and long sentences as well as many  imaginary  creatures,  exotic  things,  and  complex  relations  among  characters. These  may  cause  trouble  for  children.  Yan  Weiming  (1998)  believes  that  in  the translation  of  children’s  literature,  it  is  translators’  responsibility  to  make  the meaning  easier  to  understand  rather  than  leaving  the  meaning  for  children  to  guess (严维明  1998: 53-55). As a translation technique, explicitation intends to make the translated versions clearer in meaning to help readers better understand the characters, plots, and themes of the source text. At the same time, SFL is believed to be a very useful tool in discourse analysis, and is widely adopted in translation studies. 
1.2 Significance of the research
Among dozens of Chinese translations, the thesis chooses Yang Jingyuan’s and Ma Ainong’s. They are both very famous translators in children’s literature. Yang is famous  for  her  Chinese  translations  of  The  Wind  in  the  Willows  and  Ma  for  Harry Potter.  Their  versions  of  Peter  Pan  have  gained  wide  attention  and  have  great influence in China. 
The thesis intends to explore explicitation made in the two Chinese versions, the effects of those phenomena and the motivations behind. Through analysis from SFL perspective, the writer hopes that people could pay more attention to the explicitation skill and its important role in translation. The thesis could serve as  a supplement to the study of Peter Pan, help to deepen the understanding and appreciation of the two versions,  and  provide  reference  for  its  future  translation  and  criticism  practice;  it could  help  translators  to  better  understand  and  adopt  explicitation  skill  and  provide reference for the translation of children’s literature.


Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Previous research on explicitation
Vinay and  Darbelnet (1958: 342) first  propose the terminology  “explicitation”. They think that as a translation skill, it refers to the process or result that the implied information in the source language is made explicit in the translated language. Such information  is  supposed  to  be  inferred  from  the  context  or  situation  of  the  source language.
In 1986, Blum-Kulka (1986: 19) firstly proposed “the explicitation hypothesis”. “The process of interpretation performed by the translator on the source text might lead to a target language text which is more redundant than the source language text. The redundancy can be expressed by a rise in the level of cohesive explicitness in the target  language  text.”  She  believes  that  the  explicitation  is  an  inherent  feature  of translation and a universal strategy of language mediation. 
However,  Séguinot  (1988:  106)  believes  that  explicitation  is  not  limited  at  the cohesion level. She expounds three forms of explicitation: “Something is expressed in  the  translation  which  was  not  in  the  original,  something  which  was  implied  or understood  through  presupposition  in  the  source  text  is  overtly  expressed  in  the translation,  or  an  element  in  the  source  text  is  given  greater  importance  in  the translation through focus, emphasis, or lexical choice.
The  study  of  explicitation  could  be  divided  into  two  stages  with  1993  as  a turning point. Mona Baker (1993: 243) defines explicitation as “a marked rise in the level  of  explicitness  compared  to  specific  source  texts  and  to  original  texts  in general.” She views explicitation as one of the universals of translation, which are the special linguistic features of translated versions, which are produced because of the  particularity  of  translation  activity  and  are  irrelevant  to  the  two  languages’ influence in the translation process (Mona Baker 1993: 243-245).
2.2 Previous research on SFL and its application to explicitation
2.2.1 Previous research on SFL and its applicability to Chinese
Systemic  Functional  Linguistics  is  established  by  Halliday.  His  inspiration comes  mainly  from  the  ideas  of  Saussure,  Hjelmslev,  Malinowski,  Firth,  and  the Prague  School  linguists,  as  well  as  the  work  of  American  anthropological  linguists and Chinese scholars (胡壮麟等  2008: 21-24).
He thinks, “A language is a complex semiotic system, having various strata.” (Halliday  and  Matthiessen  2004:  24)  One  stratum  links  with  another  through realization. The choice of semantics is realized through the choice of lexicogrammar, and the choice of lexicogrammar is realized through the choice of phonology. In this way, language is connected with what is outside language, and the level of semantics is  languages’  realization  of  context,  linking  lexicogrammar  with  eco-social environment.  To  realize  the  same  meaning,  there  may  be  several  lexicogrammar choices,  and  vice  versa.  Therefore,  the  differences  in  the  stratum  of lexicogrammar show differences in the stratum of semantics. (胡壮麟等  2008: 15-17) 
Halliday  (1994)  believes  that  language  has  three  meta-functions,  ideational function,  interpersonal  function  and  textual  function.  They  are  three  parts  at  the semantic stratum. For these meta-functions are highly generalized and abstract, they are  further  divided  into  several  semantic  systems  (胡壮麟等  2008:  45).  There  are transitivity  and  voice  in  ideational  function,  mood  and  modality  in  interpersonal function,  and  theme-rheme  structure,  information  structure  and  cohesion  system  in textual function. Halliday’s meta-function theory starts from clauses (Halliday 1994). Hu  Zhuanglin,  Zhu  Yongsheng  and  Zhang  Delu  first  introduced  SFL  to  China  in 1989  in  their  book  A  Survey  of  Systemic-Functional  Grammar.  During  these  years, they have re-edited the book, keeping up with the new development of SFL.
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework .................................... 12
3.1 Three meta-functions ....................................... 12
3.1.1 Ideational meaning ........................................ 12
3.1.2 Interpersonal meaning ................................. 13
Chapter 4 Explicitation in Yang’s and Ma’s Chinese Versions of Peter Pan from the Perspective of SFL ..................... 18
4.1  Example  analysis  of explicitation in Yang’s and Ma’s Chinese versions of Peter Pan from the perspective of SFL............... 18
4.1.1 Explicitation of ideational meaning ............................. 18
4.1.2 Explicitation of interpersonal meaning ............................ 27
Chapter 5 Conclusion ........................................ 48
5.1 Summary of the findings ............................... 48
5.2 Limitations and suggestions for future research ................................. 49
Chapter 4 Explicitation in Yang’s and Ma’s Chinese Versions of Peter Pan from the Perspective of SFL
4.1 Example analysis of explicitation in Yang’s and Ma’s Chinese versions of Peter Pan from the perspective of SFL
Based  on  the  three  meta-functions,  explicitation  of  the  two  translators  in  their work  of  Peter  Pan  are  compared.  In  terms  of  ideational  meaning,  explicitation examples  are  divided  according  to  transitivity  and  voice.  In  terms  of  interpersonal meaning, explicitation are explored from appraisal and negotiative aspects. In terms of  textual  meaning,  it  deals  with  theme-rheme  structure,  information  structure  and cohesion system.
4.1.1 Explicitation of ideational meaning
As  stated  before,  through  the  ideational  meaning,  children  get  to  know  what things  happened  on  the  Neverland  at  what  time  and  what  thoughts  Peter  and  other characters’  hold.  The  transitivity  system  presents  the  characters’  experiences  on  the Neverland and in their mental world through process, participants and circumstantial elements, and through voice, children get to know the source of an action. As a novel for  children,  it  is  important  to  state  the  scenes  and  plot  clearly,  and  let  them  know what the author tries to depict in the clauses. Explicitation of transitivity
In  terms  of  transitivity,  the  process  is  the  most  central  element  in  the configuration  of  “process  +  participants  +  circumstances”.  Participants  are  close  to the  center  and  are  directly  involved  in  the  process.  Circumstantial  elements  are peripheral in the configuration and are optional. (Halliday and Matthiessen 2004: 176) This transitivity configuration is simple, which “makes sense to very young children, who  are  learning  their  mother  tongue”.  (Halliday  &  Matthiessen,  2004:  175) Children prefer dynamic actions compared with static depiction. It requires attention to the use of process. 


Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Summary of the findings
The  thesis  conducts  a  comparative  analysis  of  the  explicitation  technique applied in Yang’s and Ma’s translation of Peter Pan from the perspective SFL. After example analysis presented in the previous chapters, major findings are listed below.
Firstly,  both  Yang  and  Ma  have  made  explicitation  of  the  ideational  meaning, interpersonal meaning and textual meaning. 
In  ideational  meaning,  they  make  explicitation  through  addition,  explanation and  reconstruction  of  the  processes,  participants  and  circumstantial  elements,  and change  the  voice  of  clauses.  In  this  way,  the  implied  meaning  of  the  source  text  is explicated  clearer;  the  plots  are  more  coherent,  and  the  scenes  depicted  are  more specific.  Children  could  easily  grasp  the  plots,  image  the  scenes,  and  get  to  know strange background information. Yang tends to explain the information in source text more. 
In  interpersonal  meaning,  they  make  explicitation  by  adding,  explaining,  and reconstructing  appraisal  and  negotiative  resources.  The  reconstruction  method  is often  used  in  this  type  of  explicitation.  The  explicitation  of  attitude  could  help children  to  understand  the  characters’  personality  and  events’  influence  better;  the explicitation of graduation could draw for them a clearer relationship network, show the  characters’  mental  experience  more  powerfully,  and  arouse  children’s  empathy with  them.  The  explicitation  of  engagement,  the  change  of  mood,  the  use  of  the inclusive  “we”,  the  reconstruction  of  the  characters’  names  and  the  emphasis  on onomatopoeia  all  contribute  to  forge  a  closer  relationship  with  children.  Through these ways, children are invited to participate in the adventure and be the narrator’s companions by sharing his/her value and assessment.

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