
论文价格:300元/篇 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis 编辑:硕博论文网 点击次数:
论文字数:62333 论文编号:sb2024011109251151734 日期:2024-01-14 来源:硕博论文网

Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
Selinker,an American linguist,put forward the phenomenon of fossilization in1972.Selinker believed that“fossilizable linguistic phenomena are linguistic items,rules and subsystems which speakers of a particular native language will tend to keepin their interlanguage relative to a particular target Language,no matter what the ageof the learner or amount of explanation and instruction he receives in the TL.He alsobelieved that 95%of the second Language Learner experiences fossilization and failsto reach the level of the TL,and the interlanguage fossilization is a commonphenomenon in the process of second language acquisition,which occurs in variousaspects such as pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar(Selinker,1972:215).In thenearly 50 years,since the concept of interlanguage was put forward,many foreignscholars studying the theory of interlanguage have discussed this definitions offossilization and conducted a large number of empirical studies on fossilization fromvarious perspectives.However,domestic research on fossilization started late,andsolely introduced,evaluated and validated existing fossilization theories of the foreignscholars,and did now not explore it further.It was not until in the 1990s thatempirical research on fossilization began.However,they have not yet constructedtheir own independent,complete and influential theories,so as to help Chinese SLL toconstruct a theoretical system to avoid the occurrence of interlanguage fossilization.


1.2 Research Purposes
In this study,an action research approach is conducted to teach Englishvocabulary under conceptual metaphor theory and develop students’metaphoricalcompetence,aiming to eliminate the lexical fossilization in their English writing,andthus improve their lexical and writing abilities.First of all,under the influence oftraditional English teaching methods,writing is simply memorizing model text andlearning grammatical sentence structures,which leads to some problems in writing.Among them,lexical errors are particularly evident.Once the English vocabulary instudents’writing is fossilized,it is difficult to make breakthrough progress in Englishwriting.Secondly,writing occupies an important proportion in the senior high schoolentrance examination.The lexical fossilization in writing will affect the improvementof the overall English performance of junior high school students.Therefore,it isnecessary to pay attention to the lexical fossilization in students’English learning,andadopt effective teaching methods to eliminate it.Last but not the least,considering therepeated lexical errors in English writing,and there is few research on the lexicaldefossilization.This research applies the conceptual metaphor theory in cognitivelinguistics to English vocabulary teaching,which is based on the hypothesis thatmetaphorical vocabulary teaching develop their metaphorical competence,and theimprovement of metaphorical competence contributes to lexical defossilization.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Lexical Fossilization
Since the proposal of the term“fossilization”by Selinker in 1972,fossilizationhas become a hot issue in the field of SLA,attracting extensive attention anddiscussion at home and abroad.In the past 40 years,many scholars have done a lot ofresearch on it,especially the lexical fossilization.The lexical fossilization hasseriously hindered the development of SLA.In order to have a more comprehensiveunderstanding of the lexical fossilization,this section will expound the definitions,classifications and previous studies on lexical fossilization at home and abroad.
2.1.1 Definitions of lexical fossilization
Different scholars have different interpretations of the definition of“fossilization”.Seinker(1972)believed that language fossilization refers to the statein which those language items,grammatical rules and language subsystem knowledgerelated to the TL in the interlanguage of foreign language learners tend to bestereotyped,independent of the learner’s age and the amount of TL learning.Vigil andOller(1976)argued that the correct form should include the fossilized form as well asthe so-called“error”.Tarone(1982)argued that any interlanguage will eventuallyfossilize at some stages because the final realization of interlanguage is inevitable.Han(1998)provided a new concept based on Selinker’s definition from a newperspective to summarize the characterization of internal and external properties of fossilization.Long(2003)discussed five difficulties arising from different definitionsof fossilization,namely testability,range,age of learners,units of analysis,andvariability.The definition of the term has been proceeding in a dynamic circuit,eventhe forerunner Selinker has given fossilization many versions(Selinker,1972;1978;1992;1996).Moreover,in the Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching&AppliedLinguistics compiled by Richards et al.(2000),fossilization is defined as:“(in secondor foreign language learning)a process which sometimes occurs in which incorrectlinguistic features become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes alanguage.”Richards(2000)further added the definition as“Aspects of pronunciation,vocabulary usage,and grammar may become fixed or fossilized in second or foreignlanguage learning.”In terms of vocabulary,fossilization mainly refers to the completeor indirect equivalence of words in the TL with those in the mother tongue whenlearning a second or foreign language,resulting in inaccurate understanding and useof vocabulary.
2.2 Metaphorical Competence and English Vocabulary Teaching
In the 1980s,cognitive linguists developed a systematic and matureinterpretation of the definitions,working mechanisms,and features of conceptualmetaphors.With the publication of Lakoff and Johnson’s Metaphor We Live By(1980),Chinese scholars began to realize the role of cognitive metaphors,then studies onconceptual metaphors and related metaphorical awareness and metaphoricalcompetence also flourished in China.The cultivation of metaphorical competence hasbeen explored by many scholars at home and abroad.Related research show that thecultivation of metaphorical competence has been applied in English vocabularyteaching,which can improve students’lexical ability and eliminate the lexicalfossilization to a certain extent.
2.2.1 Definitions of metaphorical competence
American cognitive linguists Lakoff and Johnson(1980)introduced metaphorfrom a linguistic phenomenon to cognition and proposed the theory of conceptualmetaphor since 1980,cognitive metaphor has become one of the most important areasof social science research.Since the late 20th century,many researchers have studiedthe relationship between metaphorical competence and linguistic competence as afactor affecting the development of language competence.Metaphor has gained muchattention in foreign language teaching,but different linguists have different definitionsof metaphorical competence.
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation ....................... 27
3.1 Interlanguage Theory .................................. 27
3.1.1 Origin of interlanguage .............................. 28
3.1.2 Characteristics of interlanguage ........................ 30
Chapter Four Methodology .................................... 41
4.1 Research Questions ........................... 41
4.2 Research Participants ................................... 41
4.3 Research Instruments ........................................... 42
Chapter Five Results and Discussion .............................. 60
5.1 Results ................................. 60
5.1.1 Results of the metaphorical competence test questionnaire ...... 60
5.1.2 Results of the analysis of lexical fossilization in English writing ................................ 63
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
5.1 Results
In this part,the results of the pre-test and post-test for metaphor competence andthe three aspects of metaphor recognition,metaphor interpretation and metaphorproduction were collected.In addition,the results of lexical fossilization in threewriting tests,as well as the effects of lexical fossilization of students with differentEnglish proficiency through metaphorical competence cultivation were collected inaction research.
5.1.1 Results of the metaphorical competence test questionnaire
The metaphorical competence pre-test scores and the metaphorical competencepost-test scores of the 95 junior high school students are analyzed by SPSS 22.0 inTable 5.1.


Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings
Based on the results of the action research,the effectiveness of conceptualmetaphor theory in the teaching of English vocabulary in junior high schools has beendemonstrated in this study,where students with all English proficiency improved theirmetaphorical competence and reduced fossilized lexical items in English writing.
First,the teacher applied conceptual metaphor theory in English vocabularyteaching,which improved students’metaphorical competence.Especially,studentswith low English proficiency progressed faster than those with high and mediumEnglish proficiency.Most students made progress in metaphor recognition,whilestudents in the high-level group made greater progress than those in the medium-leveland low-level groups.All the students made progress in both metaphor interpretationand metaphor production,with students in the lower-level group made greaterprogress than those in the medium-level and high-level groups.
Second,lexical fossilization is indeed present in English writing tests for juniorhigh school students.It appears in all parts of speech,according to the analysis oflexical fossilization in English writing.Fossilized lexical items for nouns,verbs andprepositions occur more frequently in all fossilized lexical items.At the same time,itis worth mentioning that the proportion of adjectives,incorrect word spellings andconjunction errors is also high.After two rounds of action research,the different typesof fossilized words decreased(except for pronouns)as the students’metaphorical competence improved.In other words,there is a significant difference between theresults before and after the experiment.

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