
论文价格:150元/篇 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis 编辑:硕博论文网 点击次数:
论文字数:48552 论文编号:sb2023122612294551638 日期:2023-12-31 来源:硕博论文网

Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
With the continuous development of globalization, English has been widely used in political, economic, cultural, scientific and technological activities around the world. It is an important communication tool for international exchange and cooperation, and to transmit the achievements of human civilization, so higher requirements have been put forward for English education. The New English Curriculum Standard for Senior High School (2017) emphasizes the development of students’ core competencies in English language subjects. Among them, language competence is an element of the core competence of the English language subject, which refers to the ability to understand and express meaning in social contexts by listening, speaking, reading, viewing, and writing. At the same time, writing ability is a significant part of language competence, which can reflect students’ language proficiency and their application of language knowledge. In addition, English learners need to express meaning in accurate, appropriate, and fluent written language. Therefore, cultivating writing interests and abilities is becoming more and more important for junior high school students. 
Although the importance of English writing has been highly emphasized, the current situation of English writing instruction in junior high school is still not optimistic and faces many problems. First of all, writing teaching is just a formality. Most teachers think that improving students’ writing ability is a long process and it is difficult to improve in the short term, so they neglect writing teaching and pay insufficient attention to it, which makes it difficult for students to improve their writing ability (Wang, 2019). Secondly, in terms of teaching methods, some teachers emphasize the results but not the process, and students’ reading materials are limited to textbooks, and there is a lack of extended reading of extra-curricular relevance, which does not pay attention to the process of students’ knowledge construction and internalization (Tan, 2016). 


1.2 Purposes of the Study
Writing is a creative process, and writing skills reflect language expertise and cultural skills. Training writing skills in junior high school can lay the foundation for subsequent continuous writing ability. However, from the current research, the current regular English writing teaching approach have to some extent ignored the importance of reading for writing. In writing teaching, the correlation between reading and writing is not close, and this teaching ignores the complementary and inseparable relationship between reading and writing, resulting in a slow improvement of students’ writing ability. And there are few cases of integrating the thematic context with reading and writing teaching in actual teaching. 
Therefore, in order to improve the current situation that reading and writing are not closely related to the teaching of English writing, this study combines thematic context with reading to promote writing, hoping to explore a new writing teaching approach to improve the current limitations of writing teaching. This study would like to improve the current situation of the poor connection of reading and writing in writing teaching, raise students’ interest in writing, enhance the accuracy, fluency, and appropriateness of students’ English writing expressions, and realize the core competence in English language subjects. To be more specific, this research attempted to explore two questions. The first is whether the reading-to-write teaching approach based on thematic context can improve junior high school students’ English writing proficiency, and the second is whether this approach can change the interest and attitude of junior high school students in English writing. 
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Related Concepts
Before reviewing previous studies on reading-to-write, it is important to clarify key concepts of this research, thematic context, English writing proficiency, the reading-to-write teaching approach, and the reading-to-write teaching approach based on thematic context.
2.1.1 Thematic context
The English Curriculum Standard for Senior High School (2017) suggests that themes involve topic and content categories that can provide context and themes for English language learning, while discourse is created and conveys meaning through thematic contexts, proposes six English curriculum contents, emphasizing that all language activities should take place in a specific thematic context, and also points out that exploring thematic meaning can directly affect students’ depth of comprehension of discourse and thus the effectiveness of learning. 
The English Curriculum Standard for Compulsory Education (2022) further states that the thematic context has the role of linking and unifying other content elements, providing contextual categories for language learning and curriculum education. According to the English Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education (2022), the thematic context is considered one of the six elements of the curriculum content and is divided into three main categories: man and nature, man and society, and man and self. Under each of the three main thematic clusters, there are thematic clusters of their respective categories, each of which is interrelated, with several sub-themes under each thematic cluster.
2.2 Current Status of Research on English Writing Instruction
Writing is an expressive skill, and the ability to express meaning in accurate, appropriate, and fluent written language is an essential ability for English learners. On the whole, the importance attached to the teaching of English writing in the past was insufficient, but in recent times, numerous pedagogical schools have explored and researched the teaching of English writing, resulting in the following kinds of research results, which provide methodological guidance for teaching in the actual teaching of English writing.
2.2.1 The product approach
The product approach is the traditional English writing instruction method, which once dominated the teaching of English writing in China. Behaviorism is the theoretical basis of the product approach, and its view is that learning is a process of stimulus-response-reinforcement- habit formation (Lu, 2003). Under the behaviorist approach, the teaching steps of the product approach are: (1) The teacher provides and explains good writing examples and teaches students the information in the examples that are worth learning, focusing on teaching language points such as vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns (stimulus). (2) Students imitate writing by drawing on examples (response). (3) The teacher corrects and marks the writing. 
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation .................. 22
3.1 Context Theory .............................. 22
3.2 Input Hypothesis ................................ 23
3.3 Output Hypothesis .................... 25 
Chapter Four Research Methodology ............................ 28
4.1 Research Questions ......................... 28
4.2 Research Participants ................................ 28
4.3 Research Instruments ............................ 29
Chapter Five Results and Discussion ................ 50
5.1 Results and Analysis of Writing Tests .............. 50
5.1.1 Results and analysis of pre-test .............................. 50
5.1.2 Results and analysis of post-test ........................... 52
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
5.1 Results and Analysis of Writing Tests
This section mainly discusses in detail the effects of the reading-to-write teaching approach based on thematic context in junior high school English writing instruction. It mainly includes the statistics and analysis of independent sample T-test and paired sample T-test before and after writing.
5.1.1 Results and analysis of pre-test
In order to investigate students’ pre-experimental writing achievement and capture their writing levels, verify whether there is a significant difference between students’ writing levels in the two classes and whether they are qualified for EC and CC. Therefore, prior to the implementation of the experiment, the researcher administered a pre-test to the study participants in the EC and CC, and used the pre-test scores as an indication of the student’s writing levels. The total score for writing is 15 points, with 5 points for each of the three dimensions of language, structure, and content. After sorting out pre-test writing scores, SPSS18.0 is used to conduct a parameter statistical test by independent sample T-test. 


Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Main Findings
Based on the research of domestic and foreign scholars on reading-to-write, this study applies the reading-to-write teaching approach based on thematic context to junior high school English writing instruction. After 12 weeks of teaching practice, the aim is to answer two research questions: (1) What are the effects of the reading-to-write teaching approach based on thematic context in improving junior high school students’ English writing proficiency? (2) What is the impact of the reading-to-write teaching approach based on thematic context on junior high school students’ English writing interest and attitude? Based on the information and data collected from tests, questionnaires, and interviews, the researcher draws the following main conclusions: 
Firstly, to a certain extent, the reading-to-write teaching approach based on thematic context can improve the writing ability of junior high school students. The data from the pre-test shows that the writing scores of the two classes are almost the same. Through a series of comparative analysis of the writing scores of the post-test of the EC, it is found that even though the teaching methods used by the two classes during the experiment are different and the writing training methods are different, the students of the two classes have improved to some extent. Relatively speaking, under the influence of the reading-to-write teaching approach based on thematic context, the students in the EC have improved their grades faster and the range of progress is also greater. The writing teaching results of the EC are significantly higher than those of the CC and significantly higher than the results of the pretest. And students have made more visible progress, especially in text structure and content. Therefore, we can draw the conclusion that the reading-to-write teaching approach based on thematic context can achieve further development and improvement of students’ English writing levels.

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