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论文字数:34468 论文编号:sb2024042919381152310 日期:2024-09-02 来源:硕博论文网
Research on Tax Collection and Management Optimization under the Background of "Internet +"——Taking Guangdong Province as an Example
Under the background that "Internet +" has become the only way for social development in the present, China's State Administration of Taxation proposed on September 28, 2015 to establish an electronic tax bureau that is fully integrated online and offline, so as to promote taxation work in an efficient and orderly manner. Tax modernization will be achieved by 2020. This is the first step in the application of "Internet +" in the tax system. The introduction of "Internet +" will make a huge change in taxation work, especially the work of internal management and tax enforcement will be better developed because of "Internet +". In order to speed up the modernization of taxation and establish a new ecology of e-tax, the reform of the taxation department is imperative. Promote the further development of the taxation department by accelerating the "Internet + taxation" process. In the past, due to some related conditions, taxation services could not provide the best services for all taxpayers. After all, taxation propaganda, tax returns and other resources could not really benefit all taxpayers. In the process of gradual advancement and development of information technology, it is very important to carry out taxation work through the platform of “Internet +”. The introduction of “Internet +” technology can truly cover taxpayers equally to all taxpayers, for more Taxpayers provide quality services to equalize tax services. We must comply with its development, quickly establish and improve the e-tax system, strengthen the skills of the relevant e-tax system of relevant practitioners, improve the professionalism and service level of employees, optimize the taxation process, and provide the efficiency and quality of tax work. Let more taxpayers be satisfied with tax work. In the process of promoting service quality and work efficiency, the taxation department at this time must also establish the concept of taxpayer supremacy, so that the software and hardware construction under the information age can be truly completed, and tax revenues can be truly promoted. A qualitative leap and improvement.
At present, China's theoretical circles are mainly discussing the problems existing in the tax collection and management of e-commerce in the context of "Internet +", and analyze the reasons for their problems, and put forward corresponding countermeasures. Few scholars systematically explore the impact of the Internet on China's current tax collection and management from the perspective of the system and cause corresponding problems. The impact of the Internet on China's current tax collection and management system includes the impact on the basic principles of taxation, the impact on the tax substantive law and the impact on the tax collection and management system, focusing on the objective reality of the development of the tax collection and management system under the background of “Internet +”. With a pragmatic attitude, we will thoroughly apply the relevant knowledge of tax collection and management, and explore and improve the idea of optimizing the tax collection and management system under the background of “Internet +” from the macro and micro levels. The research ideas and research conclusions of this paper enrich the existing relevant theories in China, and propose the perfect countermeasures, which injects new vitality into the improvement of China's existing tax collection and management system.
Keywords: "Internet+"; tax collection and management; optimization; Guangdong Province
目   录
中文摘要 1
Abstract 3
一、 绪论 9
(一)研究背景 9
(二)研究目的及意义 9
1.研究目的 9
2.研究意义 10
(三)国内外研究现状 10
1.国外研究现状 10
2.国内研究现状 13
(四)研究方法与思路 15
1.研究方法 15
2.研究思路 16
二、 相关概念及理论基础 18
(一)相关概念概述 18
1."互联网+" 18
2."互联网+税务" 19
3.互联网理念与精神 19
(二)税收征收的相关理论 22
1.新公共管理理论 22
2.公共选择理论 23
3.信息不对称理论 24
三、“互联网+”背景下我国现行税收征管制度受到的影响及面临的挑战 26
(一)“互联网+”背景下我国现行税收征管制度受到的影响 26
1.“互联网+”对税收基本原则的影响 26
(1)对税收法定原则的影响 26
(2)对税收公平原则的影响 26
(3)对税收效率原则的影响 26
2.“互联网+”对税收实体法的影响 27
3. “互联网+”对税收征管体系的影响 28
(二)"互联网+"时代下税收征纳方式面临的挑战 29
1.税收现代化建设的挑战 29
2.税务行政理念的新要求 29
3.信息不对称带来的执法风险 29
4.公众服务需求的新变化 30
5.信息系统维护支撑的新问题 31
6.税务数据采集运用的新需要 31
四、“互联网+”背景下的税收征收管理存在的问题及成因—以广东省为例 33
(一) 广东省税收征收管理体制现状 33
1.广东省税收机关设置 33
2.广东省税收征收管理体制现状 34
(二)广东省现行税收征管存在的问题 37
1.“互联网+税务”的税收实体法律制度不健全 37
2.现行税收征管制度不适应“互联网+税务” 38
3.税务检查制度存在的问题 39
(三)广东省税收征收管理存在问题的成因 40
1.财政体制与税收制度不完善 40
2.缺乏严格的监督管理机制 40
3.各级政府管理职责不明确 41
五、“互联网+”背景下的税收征管优化对策 42
(一) 美国及中国香港地区税收征收管理体制的借鉴 42
1.美国国税征收体制的借鉴 42
2.中国香港地区的税收征收管理体制 43
3.国内外税收征管的启示 44
(二)明确“互联网+”背景下的税收征管的基本原则 45
(三)完善“互联网+” 背景下税收征管的相关法律体系 46
1.完善“互联网+”税务管理制度 46
2.健全税款征收制度 48
3.建立有效的“互联网+”税务稽查机制 48
4.完善“互联网+”税收实体法 49
5.健全与“互联网+”税收相关的其他法律 49
(四)建立适应“互联网+”时代发展要求的税收征管体系 50
(五)完善“互联网+” 背景下税收征管的配套措施 50
1.加强数据信息应用建设 50
2.加强税收风险管理 50
3.培养“互联网+税务”人才 51
六、 结论 52
参考文献 53
后  记 56

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