
论文价格:300元/篇 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis 编辑:硕博论文网 点击次数:
论文字数:68666 论文编号:sb2024011914581351834 日期:2024-02-26 来源:硕博论文网

1 Task Description
1.1 Background of the Task
The report is based on the E-C translation of Advantage of Disadvantage(Excerpts),which introduces the different effects of protests between different groupsin the United States.Protest is a way for Americans to express their indignationagainst hatred,inequality and violence and make changes.For example,in March1963,the parade named“Washington for Jobs and Freedom”successfully forced theKennedy administration to pass the Civil Rights Act,and the Women’s March in 2017was the largest one-day parade in American history with 5.2 million protesters.
The author LaGina Gause analyzes the costs,conditions and requirements ofprotests among different groups from a sociological perspective,and she concludesthat disadvantaged groups are most likely to achieve successful protests.The authordedicates this book to the people who courageously protest for justice and equality.
Logical conjunctives are typically seen in English.Although they seem simple,they still undertake quite significant textual and communicative functions.Logicalconjunctives are not only the bridge between sentences,but also the key to expressinglogical relations.Therefore,the translation of logical conjunctives should be combined with the context,so as to convey accurate and clear logical relations to thereaders.Consequently,the translation methods of logical conjunctives are worthdiscussing.


1.2 Choice of the Text
In this part,a brief account of the reasons for choosing this text as material arelisted.
First,the academic value of translating such a material talking about the impactof protests among different groups in the United States lies in the potential forcross-cultural understanding and knowledge preservation.By translating works thatexplore the historical and social significance of protests in America,the readers cangain insights into the experiences and perspectives of people from different culturalbackgrounds.This can contribute to a deeper understanding of the complexities ofAmerican society and help to promote cross-cultural dialogue and exchange.
Secondly,translating this material has practical significance in several ways.Forexample,it can help to facilitate communication and understanding between differentcommunities,particularly in cases where there may be language barriers.Additionally,translating this type of content can help to raise awareness about important social andpolitical issues,which can lead to greater public engagement and action.Moreover,the translator can improve her ability and accumulate translation experience throughtranslating this kind of material and can also have a better understanding of thelanguage features of the social science text and conclude some translation methods of logical conjunctives.
2 Process Description
2.1 Preparation before Translation
Meticulous preparations are of great importance for translation and identifyingthe text type is the first phase.Aimed at explaining the reasons why protests are mosteffective for the disadvantaged groups,the book focuses on the content rather than theform of the text.As a consequence,the translator ensures that the target language isobjective and professional during the translation process so as to convey completeinformation to the target readers.
The next step is about information collection.Since the original text discussedsocial phenomena in the United States,it is inevitable to mention many historicalevents that happened in the United States.Therefore,it is necessary for translators toconsult relevant materials or read relevant books to make up for the gaps inknowledge,so as to improve the accuracy of translation.In addition,the translatoralso needs to accumulate proper nouns that appear in the book during this process,which is very useful for later translation.
2.2 Translation Process
The translator commences translation after preparation.As a prerequisite fortranslation,accurate understanding of the source text plays an important role infaithful translation.In order to gain a basic understanding of the book,the translatorreads through the selected text as well as the book’s content and introduction.It takesthe translator fifteen days to finish the first version of translation.Since the book isabout protests in American history,the translator meets some obstacles in renderingthe challenging source text.For example,the translation of some sentences mentionedin the laws such as“the right of the people peaceably to assemble,and to petition theGovernment for a redress of grievances”and“taxation without representation istyranny”all need to be carefully verified by the translator.Consequently,in theprocess of translation,the translator underlines and highlights difficulties such assentences with complex structure,terms and long sentences.In this proceeding,thetranslator finds that the use of sentences with logical conjunctives is a characteristic ofthe source text and pays attention to them consequently.Besides,the translator looksup dictionaries and papers in CNKI to find correct translation of them to ensure theauthority of the target language for the accuracy of terminology in the target text.Then the translator rereads it after finishing the first version of the translation and 2.2 Translation ProcessThe translator commences translation after preparation.As a prerequisite fortranslation,accurate understanding of the source text plays an important role infaithful translation.In order to gain a basic understanding of the book,the translatorreads through the selected text as well as the book’s content and introduction.It takesthe translator fifteen days to finish the first version of translation.Since the book isabout protests in American history,the translator meets some obstacles in renderingthe challenging source text.For example,the translation of some sentences mentionedin the laws such as“the right of the people peaceably to assemble,and to petition theGovernment for a redress of grievances”and“taxation without representation istyranny”all need to be carefully verified by the translator.Consequently,in theprocess of translation,the translator underlines and highlights difficulties such assentences with complex structure,terms and long sentences.In this proceeding,thetranslator finds that the use of sentences with logical conjunctives is a characteristic ofthe source text and pays attention to them consequently.Besides,the translator looksup dictionaries and papers in CNKI to find correct translation of them to ensure theauthority of the target language for the accuracy of terminology in the target text.Then the translator rereads it after finishing the first version of the translation and
After submitting the first version,Ms.Hao presents her suggestions to thetranslator.As a reference,the translator makes a rough draft during the secondtranslation.Meanwhile,modifications are needed to make the translation moreaccurate.In the process,the translator mainly focuses on translation methods oflogical conjunctives.It is commonly known that there are many differences betweenEnglish and Chinese,so it is necessary for the translator to polish the target text,making it suitable for Chinese expression.The translator takes 3 months to weigh herwords through the entire translation.
3 Case Analysis ................................ 8
3.1 Theoretical Framework ...................................... 8
3.1.1 Brief Introduction to Skopos Theory ............................. 9
3.1.2 Rules of Skopos Theory ..................................... 10 
4 Conclusion .................................... 38
4.1 Major Findings ................................. 38
4.2 Limitations ................................. 40
4.3 Suggestions ....................................... 40
3 Case Analysis
3.1 Theoretical Framework
Skopos Theory is the most influential and representative translation theory inGermany.The core idea of Skopos Theory is that the purpose of the overall act oftranslation plays a decisive role in the translation process.The purpose of translationis closely related to the methods adopted in the translation process,as well as theselection of the content and form of the original text and the transformation of thetranslation.“The translation process is purpose-oriented,and the consistency andsufficiency of intralingual and interlingual are taken as the evaluation approach”(Wang&Chen,2017,p.102).“Skopos Theory breaks the shackles of EquivalenceTranslation Theory,opens up a new research path for Western translation theories,andprovides crucial references and value for theoretical research on Chinese translation”(Li&Liu&Xia,2020,p.83).
3.1.1 Brief Introduction to Skopos Theory
Skopos Theory was first proposed by Kantharina Reiss in her book Possibilitiesand Limitations in Translation Criticism,which was published in 1971,which formedan early theory.And then,Skopos Theory was developed by Hans.J.Vermeer in 1978.“Vermeer advocates the skopos rule as the supreme principle of translation evaluation,and points out that any text is produced for a certain purpose,so it should also achievethis purpose”(Yang Ping,2008,p.121).


4 Conclusion
4.1 Major Findings
Through translating such a social science text named Advantage of Disadvantage,the translator finds that there are large quantities of logical conjunctives in theselected chapters.It is difficult for the translator to convey the accurate and clearlogical relations which are expressed by the logical conjunctives.As a consequence,the translator reckons that it is indispensable to carry out researches on how totranslate logical conjunctives accurately in social science texts.
 The differences between Western and Chinese cultures present significantchallenges in translation,therefore it takes a considerable amount of time for thetranslator to polish the target text beyond a simple literal translation.Meanwhile,since translation is an important way to convey information,the readability and thetarget audiences are main factors that need to be considered.Nord(2001)states that“It may be wise to take a prospective view of translation as being an activity gearedtoward a communicative aim or purpose.And by considering the target audience and their specific needs and expectations,the translator can provide a more tailoredproduct that fully meets their requirements”(p.133).
Different translation methods can be selected according to the classification andfunction of logical connectives.Actually,logical conjunctives are commonly seen inEnglish,which serve as the key of discourse coherence and play a vital role in theprocess of discourse construction.Indeed,there are a large number of researches onits definition,functions and classification;however,there is a lack of translationmethods,especially for social science texts.And the purpose of this report is topresent translation methods for logical connectives.Although it is still notcomprehensive enough,the translator hopes to enlighten other researchers and givessome inspiration for them.

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