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论文字数:48566 论文编号:sb2023113010474751491 日期:2023-12-10 来源:硕博论文网

Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
Among the five basic English skills of listening,speaking,reading,writing,andviewing,writing plays a crucial role in English learning.Writing is an output-orientedskill that is highly valued in high school English teaching.Therefore,developingstudents'writing skills is a part of English teaching that cannot be ignored.However,due to the constraints of various conditions,there are still many problems in Englishwriting teaching in China.First,teachers pay too much attention to the standardizationand accuracy of language under the influence of the product-based teaching method(Zhang&Cheng,2020:48),so the majority of teachers tend to neglect the ideas andmeaning-constructing in English writing.Second,due to the influence of traditionalsummative assessment,which takes examination as the main form,teachersemphasize writing over feedback and result over process,that is,teachers pay toomuch attention to the“product”of composition while giving insufficient guidance tothe“process”.Third,limited by the practical conditions of large class size and smallteacher-student ratio(Hou,2020:67),teachers’burden of providing feedback in actualteaching is too heavy(Cui et al.,20194:4),and the contradiction between students’urgent demand for feedback and teachers’burden of providing feedback is intensified,resulting in students’failure to get timely and adequate feedback information.Fourth,in the process of English writing,students have problems such as poor examination oftopics,inadequate vocabulary accumulation,numerous grammatical errors,hollow essays,lack of logic and coherence and so on.And in the process of reflection,manystudents generally ignore teachers’feedback(Li,2020).These problems have becomebottlenecks that restrict the further improvement of the quality of English writingteaching in China.According to English curriculum standard of high school,thecomplete teaching activities include teaching,learning and assessment.Teachers canmonitor students’learning process and test the effect of teaching and learning through“assessment”,so as to promote learning.In the evaluation activities,teachers’feedback is an important evaluation tool.Therefore,teachers should help studentsovercome the difficulties in writing through appropriate feedback and focus onprocess-based guidance.


1.2 Research Purpose
Writing,as one of the key language skills examined in the college entranceexamination,has become the focus of English teaching in high schools.Since theintroduction of the process approach to second language teaching,teacher feedback,apart of the approach that cannot be ignored,has gradually become an integral part ofwriting teaching.Therefore,in high school English writing teaching,teacher feedbackhas a certain contribution to the improvement of students’writing ability.Manyempirical studies have been conducted by the second language writing and secondlanguage acquisition communities on the effectiveness of written corrective feedbackand the differences in the effectiveness of different types of written correctivefeedback.However,due to the inconsistent results of empirical studies,more andmore attention has been paid to learners’individual differences that affect theeffectiveness of feedback,so cognitive and affective factors have been incorporatedinto the framework of written corrective feedback studies as moderating variables orinfluencing factors.Most previous research on written corrective feedback(WCF)hasfocused on its effectiveness,yet not enough attention has been paid to how learnersprocess and utilize WCF(Kim&Bowles,2019).There are still relatively few studiesthat study the effects of teachers’written corrective feedback on students’learningengagement from a multidimensional perspective,making it innovative to explore theeffects of teachers’written corrective feedback on students’behavioral,cognitive,andaffective engagement.In summary,the main purposes of this study are:First,toinvestigate whether and how different types of teacher written corrective feedbackaffect students’behavioral,cognitive,and affective engagement;Second,whetherdifferent types of teachers’written corrective feedback have an impact on students’writing performance and which type of feedback is more effective in improvingstudents’writing performance;Third,to figure out does student engagement withfeedback have a mediating effect on the relationship between teacher written feedbackand writing performance?
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Definitions of Core Concepts
2.1.1 Written corrective feedback
“Corrective feedback”(CF)is the response of the teacher or the interlocutor tothe learner’s errors(Ellis,2006)and includes both verbal and written correctivefeedback.Since this study focuses on written corrective feedback,the concept will bedefined next.There is no consensus on the concept of“corrective feedback”andtherefore scholars have different opinions on written corrective feedback.For example,Keh(1990)defines feedback as the input that readers provide to writers with thepurpose of providing them with information for revision.In other words,feedbackrefers to comments,questions,and suggestions given to the writer by the reader inorder to produce a reader-based essay(Flower,1979),rather than a writer-based essay.Later,Bitchener and Storch(2016)stated in more detail that written correctivefeedback is feedback from teachers or others on foreign language learners’writingerrors,aiming to correct errors for learners in a timely manner so that they understandthe source and cause of the error,and provide the correct form for revision.
In English writing instruction,written corrective feedback can be provided bypeers or by teachers.In this study,written corrective feedback is provided by Englishteachers,so written corrective feedback is further defined as teacher written correctivefeedback.In summary,the definition of written corrective feedback in this thesis iswritten corrective feedback from teachers on second language learners’Englishwriting,which focuses not only on students’linguistic errors but also on the content and organization of students’compositions.To facilitate the study of the effects ofdifferent types of written corrective feedback,Ellis(2008)summarized the types ofwritten corrective feedback.He specifically classified feedback into direct feedback,indirect feedback,and meta-linguistic feedback based on the strategy used to providethe feedback.According to the research focus,the present review only shows directfeedback and indirect feedback.
2.2 Previous Studies on Written Corrective Feedback
2.2.1 Effectiveness of written corrective feedback
The effectiveness of written corrective feedback,as an important aspect of secondlanguage writing instruction,has sparked a number of discussions from scholars(e.g.,Brown,2012;Ferris,1999,2004,2010;Truscott,1996,1999,2007).Scholars such asTruscott(1996),Truscott and Hsu(2008)and other scholars have argued that WCF isineffective in improving second language learners’writing skills.However,there is alarge body of research suggesting that WCF may have a positive effect on improving accuracy of second language writing(e.g.,Bitchener&Knoch,2009a,2009b,2010a;Bitchener&Storch,2016;Sheen,2010;Van Beuningen,De Jong,&Kuiken,2012).Fathman and Whalley(1990)found that WCF contributed significantly to learners’improvement in grammatical accuracy on the same writing exercise by comparing 72ESL learners in four feedback situations(i.e.,grammatical feedback,content feedback,grammatical and content feedback,and no feedback).Bitchener and Knoch(2010)examined the linguistic accuracy of 63 high-level ESL learners in four feedbackconditions and found that learners who received feedback showed a significantimprovement in grammatical accuracy over those who did not receive feedback.
While foreign researchers have come to different conclusions about theeffectiveness of teacher feedback,domestic scholars have also conducted relatedresearch.Li and Deng(2012)found that once learners received teacher feedback andunderwent sixteen weeks of repeated writing practice,the use of advanced vocabularyin students’compositions improved significantly and the complexity of vocabulary instudents’compositions changed dramatically,but there was no significant change insyntactic complexity.Wang and Liu(2012)also found that learners who receivedfeedback showed significant improvements in writing quality and accuracy comparedto learners who did not receive feedback.The results of Su Jianhong’s(2020)studyshowed that written corrective feedback was generally effective in a Chinese EFLsetting,suggesting that feedback as a pedagogical approach has a facilitating effect onforeign language learning.
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation ..................... 26
3.1 Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis ........................ 26
3.2 Long’s Interaction Hypothesis ............................. 28
3.3 Swain’s Output Hypothesis ....................... 30
Chapter Four Research Methodology ......................... 34
4.1 Research Questions ................................... 34
4.2 Research Participants ......................... 34
4.3 Research Instruments .......................... 35 
Chapter Five Results and Discussion .................. 45
5.1 Results ..................................... 45
5.1.1 Effects of WCF on student engagement with feedback ............. 45
5.1.2 Effects of WCF on writing performance .......................... 49
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
5.1 Results
5.1.1 Effects of WCF on student engagement with feedback
According to Table 5.1,there was no significant difference between the pre-testscores of the direct feedback group and the indirect feedback group in general and inall dimensions(p>0.05),which proves that the students'engagement with feedbackbefore the experiment was basically the same in both classes,and therefore theexperiment could continue to be conducted successfully.According to Table 5.2,therewas a significant difference in the post-test scores between the two classes(p<0.05)and both scores increased,indicating that both direct and indirect feedback had apositive effect on increasing learners'writing engagement in writing.


Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings of the Study
Firstly,both direct and indirect feedback have a positive effect on improvinglearners engagement with feedback.However,there are some differences between thetwo types of feedback in terms of improving student engagement with feedback,andthey are reflected in different dimensions.While both direct and indirect feedbackincreased students’affective engagement to some extent,the direct feedback groupscored higher on affective engagement than the indirect feedback group.This suggeststhat direct feedback is more conducive to improving students’affective engagementthan indirect feedback.In addition,although both direct and indirect feedbackincreased students’behavioral engagement to a certain extent,the indirect feedbackgroup scored higher on behavioral engagement than the indirect feedback group.Thisindicates that indirect feedback was more conducive to improving students’behavioral engagement than direct feedback.Finally,indirect feedback was morebeneficial to students’cognitive engagement than direct feedback.
econdly,both direct and indirect teacher written corrective feedback have apositive effect on senior high school students’English writing performance,meaningthat both types of feedback contributed to the improvement of students’writing skills.Although both direct and indirect feedback improved students’writing performance tosome extent,the direct feedback group scored higher than the indirect feedback groupin terms of writing performance.This suggests that direct feedback was more conducive to improving students’writing performance than indirect feedback.
Thirdly,there is a positive correlation between students’engagement withfeedback and their writing performance,meaning that the higher the level ofengagement with feedback,the higher their writing performance will be accordingly.In addition,the study found that student engagement with feedback mediated theeffect of teacher written feedback on writing performance.In other words,Studentengagement with feedback had a mediating effect between teacher written feedbackand English writing performance,and it played a partially mediating role.

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