
论文价格:300元/篇 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis 编辑:硕博论文网 点击次数:
论文字数:35625 论文编号:sb2024053121083552485 日期:2024-06-08 来源:硕博论文网

Chapter One Task Description
1.1 Background of the Translation Task
As China’s international status is growing, the attention paid to China at home and abroad is also increasing. The government work report is an important reference for the community to grasp China’s future development (Chen,2022:21). Therefore, the translation of the government work report helps to build up domestic and international understanding of China as well as its image. Hu Kaibao and Tian Xujun (2018:10) analyzed the Government Work Report using corpus and concluded that the English translation of the Government Work Report depicts the Chinese government as down-to-earth and active. However, the formation of an international image often needs to be more three-dimensional, and in addition to the foreign translation of the national government work report, the provincial, city and county reports are also valuable. For the county-level government work reports, it can more clearly show the politics, economy, and life of local people, and better reflect the strong implementation of government policies, which helps to build a more stereoscopic image of China.
Fusong County, located in Baishan City, Jilin Province, is a county featured with tourism, industry, and specialties. Its government work report is informative and covers all aspects of people’s lives, meticulously explaining the town’s development, from which its governance methods and policies can be seen, and through the translation of its government work report, it helps Fusong County’s foreign communication and also contributes to building a more comprehensive image of China. 


1.2 Translation Process
The translation material chosen by the translator is Report on the 2021 Work of the Government of Fusong County, which was obtained from the website of Fusong County People’s Government. The full text contains 12 917 words, and the translation period is from January 15 to March 4, 2023. The text is translated by the translator under the guidance and correction of her tutor. The whole translation process is divided into pre-translation, while-translation and post-translation to illustrate.
1.2.1 Pre-translation
Before translation, the translator’s preparation work is mainly to understand the original text. First, the translator read through the original text. Since Fusong County is the translator’s hometown, this is not a problem to understand most of the contents. However, as the translated material is a government work report, it involves some policies and strategies, and these terms need to be understood by looking up relevant materials to avoid misinterpretation of the original content. 
In addition, as the government work report belongs to the political text style, its English translation has certain standardization. The translator read the government work reports of the past two years, summarized their word and phrase characteristics for the standardization of the translation. At the same time, the translator also read the State of the Union Address of the past two years, and understood their language style to increase the readability of the translation.
Finally, as the previous work has given the translator a general understanding of the content and the difficulty level of the translated text, the translator has formulated a translation plan and expects to complete the project in 6 weeks.
Chapter Two Source Text Analysis
2.1 Content of the Source Text
As an important annual summary and outlook report of China, the government work report covers a wide range of fields, with a lot of statistics and high domestic and international attention (Qin, 2022:61). It is mainly divided into three parts and presented in both oratorical and written forms, which makes it easy for the Prime Minister to deliver directly to the delegates of the People’s Congress directly and also in the form of a written document for readers’ reference and reading (Chang, 2022:136). This county government report shares these characteristics.
The Report on the 2021 Work of the Government of Fusong County was delivered by Wang Fuyuan, the governor of Fusong County People’s Government, at the first session of the 19th People’s Congress of Fusong County on November 24, 2021. The main content is in three parts. The first part of the theme is “We worked hard as one to deal with difficulties, and the productive results of ‘the 13th Five-Year Plan’ created a good start for ‘the 14th Five-Year Plan’.”, and this content is a summary of the past work. The second part is entitled “We will aim at the direction to comprehensively open a new chapter in the pilot area of high-quality development and practice of the ‘Two Mountains’ concept with firm confidence.”, which is about ecological protection, rural revitalization, ecological cultural tourism and political development, etc. The theme of the third part is “We will follow up current momentum to achieve a good start in the building of ‘pilot zone’ with our resolution.”, which mainly explains the future development goals, including ecological development, industrial development, county development, rural revitalization, harmonious city and other aspects. 
2.2 Features of the Source Text
The annual government work report started in 1954, and now is a highly formulated discourse with relatively stable topic, schema and style (Yu & Wu, 2018: 75). This section will analyze the characteristics of the original text from the perspective of words and sentences respectively.
2.2.1 Lexical Features
It has a greater relevance to the use of words whether the language can be expressed properly and accurately. The words used in the political text are plain, objective and close to people’s lives (Shu & Yu, 2017:139). In the Report on the 2021 Work of the Government of Fusong County, its language features are as follows. 
In this report, the author has employed a certain number of culture-loaded words. These words convey specific cultural connotations and reflect the strategies and means that align with the progress of the times. For instance, the term “老把头” carries a certain connotation of the culture in the Kanto region and refers to Sun Liang, the mountain god of the Changbai Mountain. Another example is the “万企兴万村” initiative, which is a component of the national rural revitalization strategy. These culture-loaded words communicate certain information through the source text. Therefore, during the process of translation, it is important for the translator to use appropriate translation methods to ensure faithful transmission of information and the representation of cultural connotations. To achieve this, the translator should study relevant literature, conclude translation methods, and consult relevant sources to ensure accurate understanding of the words. 
Chapter Three Problems and Solutions ............................... 8
3.1 Translation of Culture-loaded Words ........................... 8
3.1.1 Amplification............................. 9
3.1.2 Interpretation .................................... 10
Conclusion ............................. 23
Chapter Three Problems and Solutions

3.1 Translation of Culture-loaded Words


Eugene Nida (1945:196) stated that translation problems, which are essentially problems of cultural equivalence, may be conveniently treated under (1) ecology, (2) material culture, (3) social culture, (4) religious culture and (5) linguistic culture. Building upon this framework, Newmark (2001:95-102) further divides them into (1) ecology, (2) material culture (artifacts such as food, clothing, transportation, etc.), (3) social culture (including political and administrative organization), (4) customs, practices, activities, procedures, concepts, religion, and art, and (5) gestures and habits. These words with missing cultural equivalence are called culture-loaded words. Liao Qiyi (2000: 232) defined them as words, phrases and idioms that mark something specific to a certain culture, and these words reflect the unique way of activity of a particular people that has gradually accumulated over a long historical process and is different from that of other people. Based on these foundations, culture-loaded words can be categorized into ecological culture-loaded words, material culture-loaded words, social culture-loaded words, religious culture-loaded words and linguistic culture-loaded words (Qiu, 2014:37). In this report, it primarily focuses on social culture-loaded words and material culture-loaded words. Regarding social culture-loaded words, it encompasses various aspects of people’s social, cultural and political life, and a nation’s political and social life are often reflected in its institutions (Newmark, 2001:99). Therefore, the frequency of occurrence of social culture-loaded words is relatively high in government work reports. The translation of culture-loaded words has always been one of the problems of our translation. The translation of such words can help to promote Chinese culture in the process of foreign communication. For the translation of these words, the common translation methods include transliteration, free translation, literal translation, literal translation with annotation, etc. In the process of this translation practice, the methods chosen by the translator are amplification, interpretation and omission.
Report on the 2021 Work of the Government of Fusong County is the material of this translation practice. In this report, the translator mainly analyzes and studies the important and difficult problems encountered in the translation practice. For these translation difficulties, the translator chooses a variety of translation methods to solve them, in order to improve the translation quality of the translated text and make its language more in accordance with western thinking and western culture. At the same time, it promotes the foreign dissemination as well as provides certain reference for the translation practice of subsequent texts with the same type. 
In the process of this translation practice, the translator mainly encountered the following three difficulties. Firstly, the translation of culture-loaded words. With the increasing international status of China, it is more and more important for our culture to spread out. The culture-loaded words in local government work reports have certain regional characteristics, and in the process of translation, the translator needs to highlight the cultural characteristics under the principle of faithfulness, promote the foreign dissemination of Chinese culture, and draw the attention of western groups to Chinese culture. Therefore, the translator chooses to use the translation method of amplification, interpretation and omission to realize the translation purpose. The second is the translation of long attributes. The differences between Chinese and western thinking and culture lead to the differences of language habits. The attribute in Chinese is mostly prefixed, which is the reason why the long attributes will appear in Chinese, while in English is mostly postfixed. Therefore, in the process of translation, attention should be paid to the translation conforming to the western language habits to enhance their reading experience. In the face of this kind of problem, the translator chooses the translation methods of inversion and conversion to make the sentences more idiomatic through the adjustment of words orders, word classes and sentence components. Finally, the translation of subjectless sentences. The subjectless sentence is a common sentence type in government work reports, but the absence of the subject is not suitable for the strict and logical characteristics of western languages. Therefore, the translator uses the addition of subjects, application of passive voice and the use of “There be” structures to solve this problem to achieve accurate translation and avoid difficulties in understanding. 

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