
论文价格:150元/篇 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis 编辑:硕博论文网 点击次数:
论文字数:35222 论文编号:sb2024040218092152125 日期:2024-04-07 来源:硕博论文网

Chapter One Introduction
1.1Research Background
Recent years have witnessed a spurt progress in Chinese literature.Chineseculture is moving forward towards a worldwide stage,especially when Nobelliterature prize in 2012 was awarded to Mo Yan.Chinese literature receivedunprecedented attention.The voice of Chinese culture“going out”is increasinglyroaring ahead.The strategy of Chinese culture“going out”has been put forward inthe mid-1990s.With the domestic economy on a tear,the influence andcommunication of Chinese culture become the significant carrier of“soft power”.Through the development of culture,the overseas culture communication andcooperation could be achieved.Chinese culture“going out”strategy allows the worldto understand more about China,enhances our country’s cultural influence andcompetitiveness,and uses cultural influence to improve China's overseas image.Communication as the nature of culture could perceive divergent cultures.Theglobalization of media and the world's media are the remarkable characteristics oftoday's era.In the 21st century of globalization,cross-cultural communication runsthrough all aspects of human life and affects people's thoughts and behaviors fromdifferent angles.Nowadays,cultural differences exist objectively.Translation,therefore,has played a significant role during the process of cross-culturalcommunication.This thesis opens a window to the comparison of English and Frenchversion of Jiu Guo based on the perspective of variation theory of comparativeliterature to analyze their separated translation strategies,translators’purpose,culture-loaded words,translation acceptance,dissemination effects to allow people tounderstand the culture behind more clearly.


1.2 Research Significance and Objectives
1.2.1 Research Significance
This thesis is aimed at studying the differences and variation by comparing theEnglish and French version based on the variation theory of comparative literature.
The variation theory was proposed in 2005.Although it is a theory just formed inrecent ten years,and its existence time is relatively short compared with other theories,some embryonic forms can be seen in the previous discussions.In 1975,the scholarWilliam Ye proposed that literature in the east and west both have their own'models',and there are differences between diverse'models',and began to promote people'sthinking transformation.As a discipline that has existed for 200 years,comparativeliterature is accompanied by more disputes because of its greater flexibility.However,with the efforts of scholars in various countries,the disputes have been transformedinto a driving force for the progress in the research of comparative literature,whichhas boosted the advancement of the discipline.With the development of economicglobalization,the cultural boundaries of various countries are gradually broken,andthe world culture is developing towards multiculturalism.With the deepening ofexploration,the research theory proposed by the American school is no longerapplicable to the development of the times.In order to revitalize comparativeliterature,Chinese scholars represented by Cao Shunqing put forward the variation ofcomparative literature to further promote the development of comparative literature.The concept of"seeking differences"in variation theory can be predicted that it ownswider vision in the study of comparative literature.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Previous Studies of Translation of Jiu Guo
This part chiefly focuses on the overview of the translation of Jiu Guo includingthe theoretical perspective and variation theory of comparative literature.As for theliterature review part,the previous studies of the translation of Jiu Guo involving thetranslation strategies,culture-loaded words and related topics in the domestic andforeign journals will be presented.
A lot of domestic scholars have researched on the Russian version of the novelpartly because the works have received wide attention in Russia and the translationworks has become a hot topic in Russian literary and translation circles.Based on theculture-loaded words,Cheng(2021)considers that during the process of historicaldevelopment,culture-loaded words cannot be formed overnight.They are shadowedby many conditions,such as the natural environment,social structure and thedevelopment of the times.And to some extent,the essence of translation of Jiu Guo isto find words with the same or similar meanings in one culture and another.Some ofscholars,however,analyze the acceptance and dissemination of the novel in Russia.
Luo(2019)examines that the translator is the content guarantee for the successfulpublication and dissemination of translated works and the Russian SinologistИ.A.Егоровhas done an excellent job,which ensures the dissemination of Jiu Guo inRussia from the perspective of translation quality.
2.2 Previous Studies of Variation Theory of ComparativeLiterature
In 2013,The Variation Theory of Comparative Literature by Professor CaoShunqing was published by Springer Publishing House,which is a significant event inthe field of comparative literature.This work places the study of modern comparativeliterature in China under the historical background of discipline theory in the 20th century.It is not only an important phenomenon of literary communication,but alsothe most valuable research object in comparative literatur and an important approachto cultural innovation.The variation theory focuses on the heterogeneity and variationin cross-cultural research which is the new direction of comparative literatureresearch.
Xiao(2022)focuses on the interdisciplinary nature of comparative literature andthe pioneering significance of the theory of variation.Particularly comparativeliterature in a cross-cultural context,if it is to survive multiple crises and notdisappear,it must follow the logical path of theory of variation by Cao and shift thefocus of disciplinary research from seek common ground"to"seek differences".
Fu(2022)classifies the variation by the form and content of literary texts.Comparative literary text variation can be divided into the following levels:languagevariation,narrative variation,image variation,thematic variation,and genre variation.It has been held that the variation of the source language text in the target country isnot a disadvantage,but rather an advantage.It indicates that the translator activelyreads,accepts,and ultimately translates the works,which could suit the aesthetictastes of the recipient country's readers and make them cater to the aesthetic habitsand reading preferences of readers nurtured by the cultural soil of the target language.
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework ........................ 13
3.1 Brief Introduction of Variation Theory of Comparative Literature . 13................ 17
3.2 The Core Concepts of Variation Theory of Comparative Literature ........................ 17 
Chapter Four Comparative Analysis of the English and French Translations of Jiu Guo .......................... 25
4.1 Text Analysis of Jiu Guo ......................... 25
4.1.1 A Brief Introduction to Howard Goldblatt and the English Version of Jiu Guo ........................ 28
4.1.2 A Brief Introduction to Noël Dutrait and the French Version of Jiu Guo ......................... 29
Chapter Five Conclusion ................................ 52
5.1 Major Findings of the Thesis ......................... 52
5.2 Limitations of the Thesis ........................... 53
Chapter Four Comparative Analysis of theEnglish and French Translations of Jiu Guo
4.1 Text Analysis of Jiu Guo
Jiu Guo was first published by Hong Fan Bookstore in Taiwan in 1992.InFebruary 1993,the novel was first published in Chinese mainland by HunanLiterature and Art Publishing House without being published in literary magazines.In1995,when the author's publishing house published the five-volume collection of MoYan's works,In February 2000,the revised edition of Jiu Guo was published byNanhai Publishing Company.Contrary to the silence in China,Jiu Guo has achievedgreat success in European and American countries.
Compared with the lack of attention in China,Jiu Guo has received anextraordinary response in other countries.It has achieved great success in Europeanand American countries.In April 2001,the French version of Jiu Guo won the French"Lauren Bataillion"Foreign Literature Award.In September 2002,The Republic ofWine was published by Shandong Literature and Art Publishing House.At the sametime,it began to attract the attention of domestic literary critics.This situation hasbeen greatly improved after Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012,which also confirms what Mo Yan said in a long dialogue:"Many books arerediscovered after they come out.Compared with other avant-garde literary novels,the reason why Jiu Guo has gradually attracted readers and researchers in recent years is the wide absorption of the magic realism in Latin America and has deeply rooted inthe soil of traditional Chinese culture.


Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings of the Thesis
This thesis has based on the variation theory of comparative literature to discussthe differences between English and French version of Jiu Guo.Through the analysisof this research,it has been found that a high-quality translation is the translator'schoice of appropriate translation strategies and methods according to the themecharacteristics of the original work,taking full account of the reader's understandingand expectations of the theme.Goldblatt and Dutrait employ divergent translationstrategies and the variation will be revealed.
Through comparative analysis,it is found that Dutrait seeks a balance betweenthe linguistic and cultural heterogeneity of the source text and the acceptability of thetarget text,by flexibly and reasonably selecting translation strategies and methodsbased on the principle of faithfulness.From the perspective of Dutrait,the respect forthe starting language and the original text is not solitary.It should always beconsidered the best respect for the original text,and allow readers to feel thecharacteristics of the original text,and maintain the comprehensibility andacceptability of the translation.Dutrait holds that translation is a tool that could assistresearching on contemporary Chinese literary works and their translation andacceptance in French-speaking countries.In the context of cross-culturalcommunication,Goldblatt's translation tends to creatively rewrite the languagestructure and expression form acceptable to the target language readers on the premiseof being faithful to the metaphysical nature of the original work.Goldblatt does nothave the western culture-centered cultural translation thought as some researchershave said.

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