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论文字数:32333 论文编号:sb2023102414202051244 日期:2023-10-29 来源:硕博论文网

Chapter One The Split of Prufrock
1.Prufrock of Speaking and Prufrock of Enunciated
Most critics tend to regard the“you”in“Let us go,you and I”(line 1)asanother self of Prufrock,thus beginning to explain his split.But Brooks and Warrenseem to have dared advance the most obvious and least fogbound interpretation of thepronouns:“that the‘I’is Prufrock and the‘you’is the reader”(Halverson,1968:574).Perhaps we can follow Bloom’s footprint and discover Prufrock’s split from“I”by“Schema L”,which plays different roles in different occasions of Lacan.One of itsfunctions is to“analyse various sets of relations encountered in psychoanalytic reatment”(Evans,1996:174).Here the thesis uses this function to explain therelationship between the analyst and the analysand.“S”refers to the speaker,who isoccupied by the analysand.“A”indicates the place where the speech occurs,and theanalyst occupies this position.“a'”refers to the ego or imaginary self of the analysand.“a”represents the imaginary listener of the analysand.


2.Prufrock’s Imaginary Identification and Ideal Ego
As mentioned above,Schema L has different dimensions in different contexts ofLacan’s discourse.In addition to representing the relationship between the analyst andthe analysand,it can also represent the identification process of the subject.Theidentity process between two subjects is structured by Lacan as a quaternion with fourlocations.Thus,before discussing these two identifications,it is necessary to make anew rewrite of Schema L combined with Prufrock.


The“barred S”means the unified expression form of Prufrock who is not unified.The bar“/”here represents the division of the subject by language.The speechlessnessof Prufrock in the face of the real other is internalized into the soliloquy in the face ofthe imaginary other.The“a”is the imaginary other,in the poem,women inhabit thisposition;It also refers to the specular“mother”in the infant’s eyes at the mirror stage,where the infant proceeds imaginary identification with the specular mother,but thisprocess is only an illusion.So Prufrock mistook his real desire for a obsession withwomen.The“a'’’means that while Prufrock misrecognizes his desire for women,healso misrecognizes women’s desire for himself,thus forming an ideal ego,andnarcissism also occurred here.The“A”is the location of symbolic desire for bothPrufrock and the real women,a sign that defines Prufrock’s desire signifier.It alsoshows the function of the Symbolic Father in the Oedipus complex.In the structure ofthe modified Schema L,the procedure of Prufrock’s imaginary identification isembodied in the process“from$to a”and“from a to a'”mistaken by imaginary thesignified,while his procedure of symbolic identification is embodied in the process of“from$to A”,blocked by the signifier.
Chapter Two The Indecision of Prufrock
1.The Inter-subjectivity Between Prufrock and the Women
In Eliot’s early drafts,he gave the poem the subtitle“Prufrock among the Women”(Eliot,1998:39).It can be seen that women occupy an important position in Prufrock’ssubject.The subject never exists independently in the world,and it must be in the other,but the other is also a subject for itself,and two people cannot share one subject,just asthere can be only one subject in a sentence,and the speaker is either in the position ofthe subject or the object,and the inter-subjectivity does not exist in the subject or theobject,but in the predicate.For Prufrock,he can only exist as his own subject or theobjectified subject,while the women can only exist as his object or the subjectifiedobject in his narration.We must jump out of the narrative and regard Prufrock and thewomen as two subjects to look at the struggle for identity and desire.This struggletakes place in a dual relationship,but here it is not to emphasize the opposition ofsubject and object but to emphasize a contradiction about inter-subjectivity.
Sartre always emphasizes that a person’s action is free,but this freedom is limitedto“a”person.When two people encounter,they must fight for freedom.Freedom isabsolute for one subject,but relative to two or more subjects.We can say“I am free,and you are free too”,but we can’t say“we are free together”.“Being in the world”isdoomed to“being for others”.Once we were born,we were left in the arms of others,being talked about by others.We always have to wear Jung’s persona and like Prufrock,“prepare a face to face the faces you meet”(line 27).Prufrock’s love song can only beheard by himself because the love messages a sender sends can only be received byhimself reversely.What Prufrock wants to express is not what the other wants to hear,and what the other wants to become is not what Prufrock has.Whether the word“Love”is used as a noun or a verb as a predicate,it involves a binary relationship.InLacan’s development of binary relations.This duet on love is destined to become aquartet.A quaternary is a structure that comprises four elements.
2.Prufrock’s Time of Retrospection and Anticipation
The passage of time in Prufrock is both specific and non-specific.There is no wayof knowing exactly how much time the poem as a whole span,even though discreetmeasurements of time are mentioned.Prufrock’s tendency to over-analyze everythingcauses him to consider each potential decision within the frame of his whole life,something that is certainly not conducive to rapid action.Prufrock can not face thefreedom of choice and always be indecisive,not only because of the presence of thegazing of other subjects,but also because he is immersed in the motion ofpsychological time,which makes his body still in the passage of clock time.Differentfrom the linearity of clock time,Prufrock’s psychological time is structural and logical.It is reflected in the formation of the retrospection of the present for the past and of theanticipation of the present for the future.In retrospecting and anticipating,Prufrocksinks into what Heidegger called“fallenness”.In the fallenness,Prufrock insisted ondeterminism,endowed himself and others with pre-existent essence before the actionof clock time,and escaped the responsibility of free choice.In the question of“to be ornot to be”,he is imprisoned in the dilemma of“I was”and“I will be”or“I amdoomed to be”and can not afford his present action“to be”.
In this section of Burnt Norton,Eliot wants to elucidate a kind of time philosophy,in which brief moments of eternity are thought.It discusses“the idea of time and theconcept that only the present moment really matters because the past cannot bechanged and the future is unknown”(Kirk,2008:246)“Time and eternity are like atwin but interwoven twins”(Wang,2007:304).But Prufrock experiences this eternalas an endless torture.Eternity does not seem to be a commendatory term for Prufrock,just like Sibyl in Eliot’s another poem The Wasteland,who seeks death in her immortal life.If Four Quartets is Eliot’s Paradiso,The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock seems tobe his Inferno.From Prufrock to Four Quartets.The two poems differ not only in theirattitudes towards eternity,but also in their philosophy towards time.Professor LiuLihui(2003)says that“Eliot’s notions of time have undergone a transformation”(22).Eliot’s early creation of Prufrock was influenced by Bergson’s philosophy of Life.Prufrock’s psychological time can also be called a“duration”.But later Eliot believedthat Bergson’s continuity was“fatalistic essentially”(23).Although Prufrock shows aunity of opposites between past,future,and present,this is only psychological time,and there is still a contradiction between real action and psychological activity that hasnot been explored.This contradiction comes from Prufrock’s internalization of realityinto the pre-existent essence.For him,the past is unchanging and the future is doomed.Lacan structured the concepts of retrospect and anticipation,and transformed themfrom linear dimensions into spatial dimensions,since in psychological time can equallywell act in reverse,by retroaction and anticipation.
Chapter Three The“Death”of Prufrock...........................40
1.The Anxiety of Prufrock...............................41
2.The Repetition of Prufrock..........................45
3.Being towards Death...............................49
Chapter Three The“Death”of Prufrock
1.The Anxiety of Prufrock
As mentioned above,Prufrock’s anxiety stems from the failure of imaginativeidentity.His sexual instinct to be one with women was defeated.The women in eitherreality or fantasy do not desire Prufrock,and Prufrock’s true desire is also neither thereal nor the fantasy women.The helplessness experience in face of the accumulation ofexcitement that could not be released caused him anxiety.Anxiety confronted him withthe threat of a fragmented body.This kind of sensory representation can be seen as theregression to the pre-mirror stage in Prufrock’s language and vision.
In the pre-mirror stage,the infant experiences its body and the external world asfragmented parts and images.Lacking a sense of unity or totality,the infant perceivesthe linguistic and visual images,and effects of the external world,and its unconsciousis formed in a process of identification with these images.This identification inprimordial fantasy is called primary identification,and the infant bases its identity onthese early images which metamorphose into the archaic imago of the fragmented body.“It would not be erroneous to say that the world outside conditions and structures thedevelopment of the infant as the sensory-perceptual being who becomes the objectsthemselves in its primordial fantasy”(Nurten,2008:12).
What is Prufrock’s“overwhelming question”cannot be infallibly clarified in thetext because the narrator never makes it clear.In this thesis,the“overwhelmingquestion”are regarded as the signifier rather than the signified;It is not“what”isexplored in the research,but“who”,“how”,and“why”.Through to whom the“overwhelming question”is addressed,why it is masked and interrupted,and how it isrepeated,the“overwhelming question”and the speaking act are explored as beingrelative to the subject,existence,and desire.
This research not only attempts to further integrate psychoanalysis with literaryresearch but also attempts to integrate Prufrock’s personal with social perspectives.Inliterary criticism,the application of psychoanalysis in literature has always beencontroversial due to its radical theory of sex instinct,as well as the theory of deathimpulse without enough empirical scientific evidence.But Lacan integrated thebiological nature of psychoanalysis into the field of linguistics,establishing a cross-border approach.Like Freud,Lacan regards literature as a means of interpreting hisown theory(for example,Freud used the drama Oedipus to illustrate the Oedipuscomplex,rather than saying that Oedipus himself loves his mother and hates his father).However,the interpretation of literary criticism in a reverse way often falls into rigidpatterns,such as the pattern of taking the text as the author’s dream to reveal theauthors’subconsciousness.Psychoanalysis and literature should jointly point to thesubject itself and to human beings.This research attempts to break away from the twotendencies of explaining text for serving theory and applying theory rigidly to text.

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