
论文价格:150元/篇 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis 编辑:硕博论文网 点击次数:
论文字数:45855 论文编号:sb2023111420553051390 日期:2023-11-27 来源:硕博论文网

Chapter One  Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
China is a multi-ethnic country. There is a big gap in the economic and social development between different ethnic groups. Economic and social development in ethnic minority areas is relatively difficult. And their education is a weak point as well, especially the foreign language teaching. The Ministry of Education has also repeatedly stressed the need to strengthen foreign language teaching in ethnic minority areas. With the deepening of the reform and opening-up, foreign language teaching and learning changed a lot in ethnic minority areas. In the past, people there did not learn a foreign language and almost no one could know a foreign language. Later, the basic popularization of foreign language teaching in compulsory education was realized and many people could use some foreign language terms to communicate with others in daily life. Therefore, great achievements have been made in foreign language teaching in ethnic minority areas. However, compared with other aspects of basic education, foreign language teaching is still a weaker and less important subject in the basic education of ethnic minority areas. 
English Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education (2022 Edition) changes a lot compared to the previous one in 2011. In this new edition, it clearly introduces that the English curriculum content is made up of six elements. They are the theme, discourse, linguistic knowledge, cultural knowledge, linguistic skill, and learning strategy. These six elements work together to sustainably improve the students’ core competence through three kinds of activities in the way of compulsory education. In learning strategy, it proposes that an effective management strategy can help students maintain initiative and enthusiasm in English learning. Also, it can help them to stimulate motivation, regulate their learning emotions, and maintain a positive learning attitude. Learning motivation can stimulate students’ learning behavior, and it can promote students’ learning effect. For this reason, it can be known that improving and stimulating students’ learning motivation in English learning is a necessary key point for the students themselves and their teachers. For themselves, they can get high marks in senior high school entrance examinations and get interested in learning English after improving their English learning motivation. For the teachers, if the students become better and better after having appropriate English learning motivation, they can get much more improvements than before. 
1.2 Purpose of the Research


The research aims to investigate the overall level of English learning motivation, the types of English learning motivation of Yi students in junior high school, and the affecting factors that influence the English learning motivation of Yi students in junior high school. In previous studies, most of the scholars do research about English learning motivation in universities, vocational colleges and other respects of higher education and the research participants are the students who major in English. At present, there are few studies on the English learning motivation of junior high school students with the three-level framework and self-determination theory, and even fewer studies use these two theories to investigate English learning motivation in Yi students. 
This thesis investigates the current situation of Yi students’ English learning motivation in junior high school by using qualitative and quantitative methods. Some suggestions will be given so as to help students realize the importance of motivation in English learning and improve the efficiency of their English learning. 
Chapter Two  Literature Review
2.1 Learning Motivation
In this part, the critical concept of learning motivation will be introduced. In the following sections, the definition of learning motivation, the classification, and the importance of learning motivation will be related.
2.1.1 Definition of Learning Motivation
Learning motivation is one of the most essential emotional factors in students’ learning. It affects students not only their learning process but also their learning effect. Different people have different views about the definition of learning motivation. There are plenty of scholars, experts, researchers, and psychologists at home and abroad who have done many studies about learning motivation. And almost each of them has their perspective on learning motivation. 
First of all, these are some definitions and information of the learning motivation which were introduced by foreign researchers. In the late 1950s, Gardner and Lambert started to research second language learning motivation. They think that second language acquisition is related to the whole social environment (Gardner & Lambert, 1959). That is to say, the motivation is also related to the environment. They did lots of investigations and studies. And then Lambert proposed a new perspective which is the social psychological model for second language learning. This new model focused on the influence of emotional factors on foreign language learning. Motivation is one of the emotional factors. 
Gardner (1985) explained that motivation means the individual shows some goal-oriented behavior, puts in some effort, and then he or she shows the desire to achieve the goal and the positive attitude or emotional experience to the learning activity. In his opinion, motivation was made up of three basic elements which are desire, emotion, and the act of effort. Learning motivation as defined by Brown is generally considered to be an inner drive, impulse, emotion, or desire that causes a person to move to a particular action (Brown, 1994). Ellis (1994) regarded the degree of effort as motivation. As far as Ellis was concerned, he thought that language learners put their efforts into learning a second language owning to their needs or desires to learn the language. It means that one person put lots of effort into his English learning because he has the desire to get high grades, so it can indicate that he has high learning motivation in English learning. On the contrary, if he does not have the need or desire to learn English and also does not put effort into English learning, then it can show that he has low motivation in English learning. 
2.2 Theoretical Basis
In this research, the theoretical basis includes two theories. They are the three-level framework and self-determination theory. They will be elaborated on in detail in this section.
2.2.1 The Three-level Framework
Dörnyei summed up and cleared up the results of the studies of the second language learning motivation which were proposed by Gardner and other specialists. Based on these results, he closely linked the research of motivation with the learning situation. Finally, Dörnyei (1994) established the three-level framework of foreign language motivation. And this framework includes three parts which are the level of language, learner, and learning situation. And this kind of framework is used to define and measure the learning motivation of foreign languages. 
Peng Yanling (2019) narrated these three levels respectively in the work. Peng Yanling listed that there were different orientations in the language level concerning the features of the second language itself and motivation, which was based on a dichotomy of learning motivation put forward by Gardner. The learner level is used to declare the disposition formed by the emotion, cognition, and other factors of the second language learners when they are engaged in language learning. At this level, the need for achievement, self-confidence, and other aspects are included. The learning situation level is the essence of Dörnyei’s three-level framework, which is also the most complex part of the framework. It consists of three parts which are the course-specific, teacher-specific, and group-specific motivational components. The first one is about interest, relevance, expectancy, and satisfaction. As it is commonly stated, the course-specific motivational components include several parts which contain so many elements like the syllabus, textbooks, and so on. Secondly, it is the motivation of the teacher. The personality and teaching style and some other qualities of the teachers are included. The last one is related to the class, group, learning atmosphere, and so on. These three important components make up the learning situation level. And the three-level framework has constructed a systematic framework to find out the factors that affect students’ learning motivation. In this research, this theory will be used to find out the factors affecting Yi students’ English learning motivation in junior high. It gives a systematic and scientific way for the author to finish the task. The following Table 2.1 was made by Dörnyei in 1994 to explain the three-level framework.
Chapter Three Methodology ......................... 27
3.1 Research Questions ............................ 27
3.2 Research Subjects .......................... 27
Chapter Four Findings and Discussion ........................ 35
4.1 The Status Quo of Yi Students’ English Learning Motivation ............................ 35
4.1.1 The Overall Level of Yi Students’ English Learning Motivation .............. 35
4.1.2 The Different Types of Yi Students’ English Learning Motivation............ 38
Chapter Five Conclusion ................... 58
5.1 Major Findings ................................. 58
5.2 Implications ............................... 60
Chapter Four  Findings and Discussion
4.1 The Status Quo of Yi Students’ English Learning Motivation
Through data analysis, it is suggested that Yi students of junior high school generally have a low-level English learning motivation. They mainly show extrinsic motivation and instrumental motivation. And they lack intrinsic motivation and integrative motivation. In the following two parts, the analysis of the status quo of Yi students’ English learning motivation will be presented. 
4.1.1 The Overall Level of Yi Students’ English Learning Motivation
This part will be revealed based on the descriptive statistics of the questionnaire. And each item of the motivation will be analyzed as follows. Minimum statistics, maximum statistics, mean statistics and standard deviation of them will be shown in the following tables.
From what has been stated above, the questionnaire takes the Likert five-point scale. Number 1 represents strongly agree. Number 2 represents for agree. Number 3 refers to neither agree nor disagree. Number 4 stands for disagree and number 5 stands for strongly disagree. The mean statistic represents the level of motivation. And different numerical intervals mean different meanings. In this research, due to the setting of different items, the mean score will be presented differently in different items. 


Chapter Five  Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
In this research, it aims to investigate the current situation of Yi students’ English learning motivation in junior high school and the factors that influence Yi students’ English learning motivation through descriptive analysis. After the investigation, some useful and beneficial suggestions are given. Through questionnaire and interview, the author answered the two questions and some results are gotten as follows.
First of all, through the questionnaire, the current situation about Yi students’ English learning motivation in junior high school is revealed which includes the overall level of English learning motivation of Yi students and the types of English learning motivation the students have. The analysis of the questionnaire shows that Yi students’ English learning motivation is at a low level. Most Yi students do not like English subject. They are not interested in the language. So they do not have enough learning motivation to learn English and this directly contributes to the poor language learning effect. And in this research, it is found that extrinsic motivation and instrumental motivation are the two main types of learning motivation that Yi students possess. On the one hand, Yi students’ extrinsic motivation is higher than their intrinsic motivation. This shows that their parents’ praise and rewards, the punishment from their parents and teachers, the comparison from their parents and their classmates are regarded as the external factors which affect their English learning motivation. They always pay attention to the external aspects and they often ignore their inner sides. Hence, this phenomenon appears. That is to say, the Yi students’ have few interests in learning English. On the other hand, Yi students’ instrumental motivation accounts for the major parts. And their integrative motivation is not obvious. They pay much attention to that if they can pass the examinations, go to a top university, and get a good job after learning the language. They just notice the superficial benefits of learning the language and they learn the language for their instrumental purposes. They take the English language as a tool to achieve their goals. Most of them do not take the history and the culture of the target language into account.

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